User Inputs
Data provided in the requests by the Client and User
Authentication Inputs
The following are the user inputs practiced in SingleView Payments API:
User input | Description |
Client ID | SingleView Payments API registered and valid Client ID |
Client Code | SingleView Payments API registered and valid Client Code |
Signature Key | SingleView Payments API registered and valid Client Signature Key |
Username | Username of the Client-end User Account |
Password | Password of the Client-end User Account |
Signature | Signature Code is a 64-Bit Hash string generated through BASE 64 & SHA 256 encryption included with request body and signature key. |
Session ID | Obtained at login, Session ID validates and authorizes a particular account to access the platform until it expires. |
Access Token | Obtained at login, Access Token, also known as Authorization Bearer Token acts as an authentication parameter for requests fired by the user. |
Token | Token, or Payment Token, is generated at the client-end to authorize the request to generate OTP and process payment (s). |
OTP | One-Time Password, generated to verify payment processing requests. |
Transfer Type
User input | Description |
ips | Integrated Payment System for limit-based payments (20k limit per transaction) |
interbank | Interbank (Available 24/7) |
sarie | SARIE (Cut-off timings based on the banks) |
swift | SWIFT (Cut-off timings based on the banks) |
Transaction Type
Transaction Type | Details |
MT100 | Process payment |
PE | Get payment enquiry |
PAYROLL | Process payroll payments |
PPE | Get payroll payment enquiry |
SingleView Bank Codes
Name of the bank | Bank code |
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank | ADCB |
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Egypt | ABDI |
Agricultural Bank of China LTD | ABOC |
Al Rajhi Bank | ALRAJHI |
Alamoudi Exchange | ALAM |
Alawwal Bank | AAAL |
Albaraka Bank | ABRK |
Alinma Bank | ALINMA |
Arab Bank | ARAB |
Arab National Bank | ANB |
Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation | APIC |
Attijari Wafa bank | BCMA |
Audi Bank France | AUDI |
Axis Bank | UTIB |
Axis Bank India | UTIB |
Axis Bank Limited | AXIS |
Baden Wuerttembergische Bank | SOLA |
Banca del Lazio Poplare | BPLZ |
Banco Santander S.A. | BSCH |
Banco Santander Totta, SA | TOTA |
Bandhan Bank, India | BNDN |
Bank Al Bilad | ALBI |
Bank Al Jazira | BJAZ |
Bank Aletihad | UBSI |
Bank Muscat | BMUS |
Bank of America (NA & London) | BOFA |
Bank of Baroda | BARB |
Bank of Changsha | CHCC |
Bank of China | BKCH |
Bank of India | BOI |
Bank of Maharashtra, India | MAHB |
Bank of Suzhou Co. Ltd | DWRB |
Bank Pekao | PKO |
Banque Al Muamelat As Sahina | BMSH |
Banque Libano Francaise | BLFS |
Banque Misr | BMIS |
Banque Saudi Fransi | BSF |
Barclays Bank PLC | BARC |
BMO Harris Bank N.A. | HATR |
BNP Paribas (Including Saudi Arabia) | BNPA |
Caixa Central Credito Agricola Mutuo | CCCM |
Canara Bank, India | CNRB |
Capital Bank of Jordan | EFBK |
Central Bank of India, India | CBIN |
China Construction Bank (All Branches) | PCBC |
Citi Bank (Includes PLC Belgium & NA Branches) | CITI |
City Union Bank, India | CIUB |
Commercial Bank of Dubai | CBDU |
Commercial International Bank (CIB) (Inc. Egypt & SAE) | CIBE |
Commerz Bank -AG | COBA |
Credit Suisse | CRESCH |
Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG | CRES |
CSB Bank, India | CSYB |
Danske Bank (Including A/S) | DABA |
DBS Bank Ltd | DBSS |
DCB Bank, India | DCBL |
Delavska Hranilnica D.D. Ljubljana | HDELSI |
Deutsche Bank | DEUT |
Deutsche Bank AG | DEUT |
Deutsche Bank, India | DEUTIN |
DhanLaxmi Bank, India | DLXB |
Dubai Islamic Bank | DIB |
Dubai Islamic Bank | DUIB |
East Africa Maritime | EAAM |
Emirates Bank International | EBIL |
Emirates Islamic Bank P.J.S.C. | MEBL |
Emirates National Bank of Dubai SAE (Formerly BNP Paribas SAE, Egypt) | EBIL |
Emirates NBD | EBIL |
Eurobank S.A | ERBK |
European Central Bank, ECB | ECBF |
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh | EXBK |
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt | FIEG |
First Abu Dhabi Bank | NBAD |
Gulf Bank | GULF |
Gulf International Bank | GULF |
Habib Bank AG Zurich | HBZU |
HDFC, India | HDFC |
Himanpka Bank | HIMA |
Hong Leong Bank Berhad | HLBB |
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited | BBME |
HSBC Continental Europe, The Netherlands | HSBC |
IDBI Bank, India | IBKL |
IDFC First | IDFC |
IDFC First Bank, India | IDFB |
Indian Bank, India | IDIB |
Indian Overseas Bank, India | IOBA |
IndusInd Bank, India | INDB |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | ICBK |
ING Bank Frankfurt | INGB |
ING Bank N.V. | INGB |
ING Belgium | BBRU |
Intesa Sanpaolo SPA | BCIT |
IS Bank | ISBK |
Islamic Development Bank | ISLD |
J.P. Morgan SE | CHAS |
J.P. Morgan SE Amsterdam Branch | CHAS |
Jammu & Kashmir Bank, India | JAKA |
Jordan Islamic Bank | JIBA |
Jordan Kuwait Bank | JKBA |
JPMorgan Chase Bank | CHAS |
Karnataka Bank, India | KARB |
Karur Vysya Bank, India | KVBL |
KBC Bank Bulgaria EAD | RZBB |
KBC Bank NV | KRED |
Khaleeji Commercial Bank B.S.C. (C) | KHCB |
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center | KPSR |
Kotak Mahindra bank Ltd | KKBK |
Lakshmi Vilas Bank, India | LAVB |
LCL (Le Credit Lyonnais) | CRLY |
Lebanon and Gulf Bank, S.A.L, LGB | LGBA |
Mashreq Bank | BOML |
Mashreq Bank PSC | BOML |
Mega International Commercial Bank | ICBC |
Mega International Commercial Bank, Kaohsiung Metropolitan Branch | ICBC |
Merrill Lynch Kingdom of SA | MLSA |
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. | MBTC |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group | BOTK |
National Bank of Bahrain | NBOB |
National Bank of Egypt | NBEG |
National Bank of Egypt | NBEG |
National Bank of Fujairah | NBFU |
National Bank of Kuwait | NBOK |
National Bank of Pakistan | NBPA |
National Westminster Bank PLC | NWBK |
Nordea Bank ABP | NDEA |
Northern Trust | CNOR |
OCBC Wing Hang Bank | WIHB |
OCBC Wing Hang Bank (China) Limited (Formerly OCBC Bank (China) Limited) | OCBC |
Ping An Bank Co Ltd | SZDB |
Punjab & Sindh Bank, India | PSIB |
Punjab National Bank, India | PUNB |
Qatar National Bank Alahli | QNBA |
QNB Finance Bank A.S. | FNNB |
RABO Bank | RABO |
RAK Bank | NRAK |
Ratnakar Bank Ltd | RATN |
RBL Bank, India | RATN |
Republic Bank of Chicago | RERC |
Riyad Bank | RIYADH |
Saad Trading Contracting and Financial Services Co | STCF |
SABB Bank | SABB |
Safwa Islamic Bank | JDIB |
Samba Bank | SAMBA |
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency | SAMA |
Saudi Aramco | ARAM |
Saudi Investment Bank | SIBC |
Saudi National Bank | NCB |
Saudi Stock Exchange | ARAM |
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank | SPDB |
Shuaa Capital SA | SHUA |
Societe General Payment services | SOGE |
Societe Generale | SOGE |
Societe Generale Cyprus Limited | SOGE |
South Indian Bank, India | SOIN |
Standard Chartered Bank | SCBL |
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited | SCBL |
State Bank of India | SBIN |
T.C. Ziraat Bankasi | TCZB |
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited, India | TMBL |
TBC Bank | TBCB |
The Federal Bank LTD | FEDR |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited | HSBC |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Seoul Branch | HSBC |
The Saudi Fund for Development | SFFD |
The United Bank | UBOE |
Truist Bank | BRBT |
Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. | TGBA |
Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi T.A.O. | TVBA |
UBS Switzerland AG | UBSW |
UCO Bank, India | UCBA |
UniCredit Bank AG (HypoVereinsbank) | HYVE |
Union Bank of India | UBIN |
Volksbank Emstek EG | GENO |
Yapi Kredi Bankasi Ticari Sube | YAPI |
Yes Bank India | YES |
Yes Bank Limited | YESB |
POR Details
Saudi Arabia & Other Countries
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
20 | Bills or rent |
21 | Expenses services |
22 | Purchase assets |
23 | Saving investment |
24 | Government dues |
25 | Money exchange |
26 | Credit card loan |
27 | Gift or reward |
28 | Personal loan assistance |
29 | Investment transaction |
30 | Family assistance |
31 | Donation |
32 | Payroll benefits |
33 | Online purchase |
34 | Hajj and Umra |
35 | Dividend payment |
36 | Government payment |
37 | Investment house |
38 | Payment to merchant |
39 | Own account transfer |
Saudi Arabia
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
1 | Advance Payment |
2 | Allowance |
3 | Bonus |
4 | Business Related Payment |
5 | Cargo Services |
6 | Commission |
7 | Compensation |
8 | Credit Card Payment |
9 | Down Payment |
10 | End of Service / Final Settlement |
11 | Invoice Settlement |
12 | Loan Repayment |
13 | Miscellaneous |
14 | Overtime |
15 | Payment for Investment |
16 | Remittance/ Family Maintenance |
17 | Salary |
18 | Standing Order |
19 | Tickets |
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
4 | Business Related Payment |
11 | Invoice Settlement |
13 | Miscellaneous |
Other Countries
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
13 | Miscellaneous |
National Commercial Bank (NCB)
Saudi Arabia & Other Countries
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
BA | Business: Payroll |
BB | Business: Buying Goods |
BC | Business: Operating Expenses |
BD | Business: Incentives and Allowances |
BE | Business: Dividends |
BF | Business: Claims |
CB | Charities: Donations |
CC | Charities: Grant |
CD | Charities: Financial Support |
IB | Investment: Local Investments |
IC | Investment: Foreign Investments |
PA | Personal: Transfer to Family or Friends |
PC | Personal: Travel Expenses |
PD | Personal: Studying Expenses |
PE | Personal: My Account in Other Bank |
PG | Personal: Transfer to Domestic Labor |
PK | Personal: Payment of customers credit card |
PL | Personal: Payment of credit card to another customer |
PM | Personal: Payment for Loans |
RM | Remittance to Other Entities: Transfer to Money Changers |
RB | Remittance to Other Entities: Hajj and Umrah Expenses |
RC | Remittance to Other Entities: Government Agencies Remittance |
Al Rajhi Bank
Saudi Arabia
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
1 | Travel Requirements |
2 | Investment outside the Kingdom |
3 | Sales to Money Exchangers |
4 | Sales to Government Agencies |
5 | Import Finance Payment |
6 | Foreign Firms-Imports |
7 | Foreign Firms-others |
8 | Personal Remittance-Saudis |
9 | Personal Remittance-Non Saudis |
99 | Others |
11 | Salary |
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
6 | Foreign Firms-Imports |
7 | Foreign Firms-others |
99 | Others |
Other Countries
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
99 | Others |
Saudi Arabia
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
01 | Import Finance Payment |
02 | Remittance by Foreign Firms for Imports |
03 | Remittance by Foreign Firms for others |
04 | Personal Remittances by Individuals Saudi |
05 | Personal Remittances by Individuals Non Saudi |
06 | Investments outside the kingdom |
07 | Sales to Money Changers |
08 | Sales to Government Agencies |
09 | Others |
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
0101 | Invoice Payment & Purchase |
0102 | Utility Bill Payment |
0103 | Prepaid Cards Recharging |
0104 | Standing Orders |
0106 | Family Assistance and Expenses |
0107 | Individual Social Security Subscription |
0108 | Associations Subscriptions |
0109 | Saving and Funding Account |
0110 | Heritance |
0111 | End of Service indemnity |
0201 | Public Sector Employees Salaries |
0202 | Laborers Salaries |
0203 | Private Sector Staff Salaries |
0204 | Jordanian Diplomatic Staff Salaries |
0205 | Foreign Diplomatic Salaries |
0206 | Overseas Incoming Salaries |
0207 | Civil/Military Retirement Salaries |
0208 | Social Security Retirement Salaries |
0209 | Establishment Social Security Subscription |
0301 | Investment Revenues |
0302 | Brokerage Investment |
0303 | Insurance |
0304 | Subscriptions to international nonmonetary organizations |
0305 | Local Investment |
0306 | External Investment |
0307 | Tender bond Guarantee |
0401 | Air Freight |
0402 | Land Freight |
0403 | Sea Freight |
0404 | Travel and Tourism |
0501 | Governmental Delegation Transfers |
0502 | Private Sector Delegation Transfers |
0503 | Governmental Education |
0504 | Private Sector Education |
0601 | Public Sector Exportation |
0602 | Private Sector Exportation |
0603 | Public Sector Importation |
0604 | Private Sector Importation |
0701 | Religious Communities Aid |
0702 | International Communities Aid |
0703 | Arab Communities Aid |
0801 | Telecommunication Services |
0802 | Financial Services |
0803 | Information Technology Services |
0804 | Consulting Services |
0805 | Construction Services |
0806 | Maintenance & Assembling Services |
0807 | Marketing and Media Services |
0808 | Mining Services |
0809 | Medical & Health Services |
0810 | Cultural, Educational & Entertainment Services |
0811 | Rental Expenses |
0812 | Real Estate |
0813 | Taxes |
0814 | Fees |
0815 | Commissions |
0816 | Franchise and License Fees |
0817 | Cheque Collection |
0818 | Membership Fees |
0901 | Municipality Funds |
0902 | Government Funds |
0903 | Private Sector Funds |
0904 | External Incoming Funds |
1001 | International Communities and Embassies Remittances |
1002 | Permanent Diplomatic Missions |
1003 | Temporary Diplomatic Missions |
1004 | Jordanian Embassies Income |
1101 | Long-Term Loans Installments / Public Sector |
1102 | Long-Term Loans interest Installments / Public Sector |
1103 | Short-Term Loans Installments / Public Sector |
1104 | Short-Term Loans interest Installments / Public Sector |
1105 | Long-Term Loans Installments / Private Sector |
1106 | Long-Term Loans interest Installments / Public Sector |
1107 | Short-Term Loans Installments /Private Sector |
1108 | Short-Term Loans interest Installments / Private Sector |
1109 | Loans Installments Against Governmental Guarantee |
1110 | Loans Interest Installments Against Governmental Guarantee |
1111 | Credit Card Payment |
1112 | Personal Loan Payment |
1201 | Rerouting |
Country Codes Code | Country Codes Description |
AFA | Receipts or payments from personal residents bank account or deposits abroad |
AFL | Receipts or payments from personal n-resident bank account in the UAE |
ATS | Air transport |
CEA | Equity for the establishment of new company from residents abroad equity of merger or acquisition of companies abroad from residents and participation to capital increase of related company abroad |
CEL | Equity for the establishment of new company in the UAE from n-residents equity of merger or acquisition of companies in the UAE from n-residents participation to capital increase of related companies |
CHC | Charitable Contributions |
DLA | Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities more than a year in t related companies |
DLL | Purchases and sales of securities issued by residents more than a year in t related companies |
DOE | Dividends on equity not intra group |
DSA | Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities less than a year in t related companies |
DSF | Debt instruments intragroup foreign securities |
DSL | Purchases and sales of securities issued by residents less than a year in t related companies |
FAM | Family Support |
FDA | Financial derivatives foreign |
FDL | Financial derivatives in the UAE |
FIA | Investment fund shares foreign |
FIL | Investment fund shares in the UAE |
FIS | Financial services |
FSA | Equity other than investment fund shares in t related companies abroad |
FSL | Equity other than investment fund shares in t related companies in the UAE |
GDE | Goods Sold - Exports in FOB value |
GDI | Goods Bought - Imports in CIF value |
GMS | Processing repair and maintenance services on goods |
GOS | Government goods and services, embassies, etc. |
GRI | Government related income taxes, tariffs, capital transfers, etc. |
IFS | Information services |
IGD | Intra group dividends |
IID | Intra group interest on debt |
INS | Insurance services |
IOD | Income on deposits |
IOL | Income on loans |
IPC | Charges for the use of intellectual property royalties |
ISH | Income on investment funds shares |
ISL | Interest on securities more than a year |
ISS | Interest on securities less than a year |
ITS | Computer services |
LDL | Debt instruments intragroup loans/deposits in the UAE (above 10% share) |
LDS | Debt instruments intragroup securities in the UAE |
LEA | Leasing abroad |
LEL | Leasing in the UAE |
LLA | Loans - Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to n-residents - long term |
LLL | Loans - Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents - long term |
OTS | Other modes of transport |
PIP | Profits on Islamic products |
PMS | Professional and management consulting services |
PPA | Purchase of real estate abroad from residents |
PPL | Purchase of real estate in the UAE from n-residents |
PRR | Profits or rents on real estate |
PRS | Personal cultural audio visual and recreational services |
RDA | Reverse debt instruments abroad |
RDL | Reverse debt instruments in the UAE |
RDS | Research and development services |
REA | Reverse equity share abroad |
REL | Reverse equity share in the UAE |
RFS | Repos on foreign securities |
RLS | Repos on securities issued by residents |
SAL | Salary |
SCO | Construction |
SLA | Loans - Drawings or Repayments on loans extended to n-residents - short term |
SLL | Loans - Drawings or Repayments on foreign loans extended to residents - short term |
STR | Travel |
STS | Sea transport |
TCP | Trade credits and advances payable |
TCR | Trade credits and advances receivable |
TCS | Telecommunication services |
TTS | Technical trade-related and other business services |
Updated 8 months ago