
API services for growing Businesses and Corporates

This page is your first step towards understanding the capabilities and benefits that SingleView B2B Payouts & Info APIs offer. With SingleView, you'll gain access to a suite of APIs that revolutionize how you handle B2B transactions and access critical financial information.

SingleView B2B Payouts & Info APIs provide a secure connection medium for corporate and business users to access the following services securely:

  • Payouts: Make instant account-to-account fund transfers
    • Post-payment enquiry: Track payment processing and status in real-time
  • Payroll Payouts: Process payroll payments using the Payouts facility
    • Payroll payouts enquiry: Track payroll payments processing and status in real-time
  • Account Information Services
    • Account statement: Get custom account transaction statements
    • Balance enquiry: Fetch account balances
    • IBAN Verification: Verify IBAN and account information

Security overview

SingleView B2B Payouts & Info API services employ multi-layer authentication of requests to define authorized access to the platform and maintain better security and privacy. The following is the essential flow representation of B2B partner identification.

Security flow - Authentication of partner to access Singleview B2B Services API

Security flow - Authentication of partner to access Singleview B2B Payouts & Info Services API