Error codes

Responses and error-handling


Every request processed through the SingleView APIs will have a response among the following:

✔️ Successful ❌ Unsuccessful ⚠️ Error

HTTP StatusDescriptionHandling
400Bad requestSpot the invalid parameters from the message and retry by entering valid details
401UnauthorizedRefresh session ID and try again
500Internal/server errorRetry later
504Time-outRetry later

Access Token Error

This error occurs when an invalid access token is provided in the requests. The following API response occurs in case of such error:

  "correlationId": "2163bbf3-c6e1-4c0b-aac3-3b1b06552388",
  "bankCode": "",
  "errorCode": "MW-401",
  "errorMessage": "UNAUTHORIZED",
  "timeStamp": "2025-02-28T07:35:25.981+03:00"


JSON TagDescriptionData Type
correlationIdUnique correlation identity parameter for each response of invalid access tokenString
bankCodeUnique bank identification codeAlphanumeric
errorCodeCode representing the error encounteredString
errorMessageMessage explaining the details about the error encounteredString
timeStampDate and time of the errorDate

Error Codes

errorCodeError DescriptionerrorMessage
MW-400Connectivity error
MW-401Invalid or expired access tokenUNAUTHORIZED
MW-500Signature or Technical error401

Certificate Error

This error occurs when there is an issue with TLS handshake.

  <head><title>400 Bad Request</title>
    <center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>