Post-Payment Enquiry
Fetch updated status of the processed Payouts payments
SingleView Post-Payment Enquiry services connect Corporate users via a secure channel and enable them to enquire about the status of their transactions quickly and easily. The key feature of the service allows the user to get immediate acknowledgment about the most recent status of their payments.
Important information
This service can be used to verify the status of the following types of payment transactions made by the user:
- Within own accounts
- Local payments (SARIE)
- International payments (SWIFT)
The client needs to initiate a Post-Payment Transaction Enquiry request via the B2B system for the following banks:
- Al Rajhi Bank
- Arab National Bank (ANB)
- Saudi Awwal Bank (SAB)
Payment enquiry not required
There is no need to initiate a post-payment transaction enquiry request, as the user will receive an instant confirmation for the following banks:
- Alinma Bank
- Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF)
- Saudi National Bank (SNB)
- Riyad Bank
🌐Domain details
- Sandbox API -
- Production/LIVE API - To be provided upon onboarding
Post-payment Enquiry
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/v1/batch/paymentenquiry | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Synchronous Method
Sample request
curl --location '' \
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVPaymentMessageRequest": {
"OSVPaymentStatusRequest": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"Transactions": [
"SequenceNum": "79878097",
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "797688999",
"Signature": "UMEH9M8tXknuRnnkrzRjDHaxFRLyZJ+wDNAl408+nTWyfTKaVcBkLLPhX5DKjTX18HK/oEJ8rmSeoswQuKzk9F2WIcXwZI9C+h7GA5d6r0FEu9hAYG+tDjFSyPDPHunMbILe1rgIlenbHra24Xt2IxAqj5115FEhJyabV0saIveNfK4sPOWtB+HeEAhwP6pwHETZoO4Z9kiMgdIbBbyD43IpRyxVQzogtlNKrkRaW/k16eIGzeS8Nh5g0txEoa3aocQTiVqzEtkwBXMKKUnoMZMCIOsPh7XNDN9nmsad0CNHr5wwJZoc9gC2e/d7fWuUu8xqe8AaSWXm3xTIfostIg=="
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVPaymentMessageRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the payment enquiry message | Object |
OSVPaymentStatusRequest Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the payment enquiry request | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code Ex: ALRAJHI, SABB, BSF, ANB, NCB, ALINMA, GIB, RIYADH, ALBI, BJAZ | String |
MessageType Mandatory | Details on the type of message request to be mentioned as SINGLEREQ | String |
Transactions Mandatory | Tag carrying information of transactions to be requested for payment enquiry | Object |
SequenceNum Mandatory | Sequence number of the transaction Length of input: 16 characters | String |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Sender company code or identifier provided by the bank at the time of on-boarding | Alphanumeric |
TransactionReferenceNumber Mandatory | Transaction reference number Maximum length : 16 numeric characters | String |
Signature Mandatory | Encrypted string generated using a Private Key/CA-Signed Certificate with SHA-256 and RSA (JCE Signature) | String |
Sample Responses
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "79878097",
"StatusCode": "SUCCESS",
"StatusDesc": "ReceiptReconSuccess-Transport Receipt Recon is successful",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "797688999",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"UTIReference": ""
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "77858797",
"StatusCode": "PENDING",
"StatusDesc": "Your Payment file has been accepted, Kindly attempt to do a Payment Inquiry in a few minutes to know the Final status.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "797647499",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"UTIReference": ""
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "79878097",
"StatusCode": "FAILED",
"StatusDesc": "No Transaction found in the Requested Reference No.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "79768899",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"AccountName2": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"BenCustomer1": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"PaymentDetails1": "",
"PaymentDetails2": "",
"UniqueId": "",
"UtrNumber": ""
Responses description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse | Root node | Object |
MessageType | Type of message response indicated as SINGLEREQ | String |
OSVPaymentStatusResponse | Element root containing response of every bank transaction | Object |
CompanyCode | Sender company Code/Identifier | Alphanumeric |
SequenceNum | Value of “SequenceNum” tag in the request message | Numerical |
StatusCode | Status code of the response SUCCESS- For successfully settled payment PENDING- For a pending payment FAILED- For a payment failed processing | String |
StatusDesc | Status description of the response | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique number representing the transactions | Alphanumeric |
FTReferenceNumber | File Reference Number | String |
BankReferenceNumber | Bank Reference Number | String |
TransactionType | Transaction Type | String |
DebitAccountNo | Debit Account Number used for the transaction Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitCurrency | Debit Currency shown as SAR , AED , etc.Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitTheirRef | Debit Reference Number (same as Transaction Reference) Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditTheirRef | Bank Reference number generated when this payment processed by Bank financial system Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditAccountNo | Credit Account number or IBAN number Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditCurrency | Credit Currency shown as SAR , AED , etc.Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditAmount | Credit Amount Conditional for SAB | String |
AmountDebited | Amount Debited Conditional for SAB | String |
CustomerRate | Customer Rate Conditional for SAB | String |
AmountCredited | Amount Credited Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitValueDate | Debit Value Date Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditValueDate | Credit Value Date Conditional for SAB | String |
UTIReference | Unique reference number Conditional for SAB | String |
Asynchronous Method
Sample Responses
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "79878097",
"StatusCode": "SUCCESS",
"StatusDesc": "ReceiptReconSuccess-Transport Receipt Recon is successful",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "797688999",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"UTIReference": ""
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "77858797",
"StatusCode": "PENDING",
"StatusDesc": "Your Payment file has been accepted, Kindly attempt to do a Payment Inquiry in a few minutes to know the Final status.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "797647499",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"AccountName2": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"BenCustomer1": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"PaymentDetails1": "",
"PaymentDetails2": "",
"UniqueId": "",
"UtrNumber": ""
"CompanyCode": "FIFC001",
"SequenceNum": "88371630061",
"StatusCode": "PENDING",
"StatusDesc": "Your Payment file has been accepted, Kindly attempt to do a Payment Inquiry in a few minutes to know the Final status.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "5410077",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"AccountName2": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"BenCustomer1": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"PaymentDetails1": "",
"PaymentDetails2": "",
"UniqueId": "",
"UtrNumber": ""
"OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"MessageType": "SINGLEREQ",
"OSVPaymentStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "79878097",
"StatusCode": "FAILED",
"StatusDesc": "No Transaction found in the Requested Reference No.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "79768899",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"UTIReference": ""
"CompanyCode": "FIFC001",
"SequenceNum": "88371630061",
"StatusCode": "FAILED",
"StatusDesc": "No Transaction found in the Requested Reference No.",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "5410077",
"FTReferenceNumber": "",
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"TransactionType": "",
"DebitAccountNo": "",
"AccountName1": "",
"DebitCurrency": "",
"DebitTheirRef": "",
"CreditTheirRef": "",
"CreditAccountNo": "",
"AccountName2": "",
"CreditCurrency": "",
"CreditAmount": "",
"AmountDebited": "",
"CustomerRate": "",
"AmountCredited": "",
"BenCustomer1": "",
"DebitValueDate": "",
"CreditValueDate": "",
"PaymentDetails1": "",
"PaymentDetails2": "",
"UniqueId": "",
"UtrNumber": ""
Responses description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVPaymentEnquiryResponse | Root node | Object |
MessageType | Type of message response indicated as SINGLEREQ | String |
OSVPaymentStatusResponse | Element root containing response of every bank transaction | Object |
CompanyCode | Sender company Code/Identifier | Alphanumeric |
SequenceNum | Value of “SequenceNum” tag in the request message | Numerical |
StatusCode | Status code of the response SUCCESS- For successfully settled payment PENDING- For a pending payment FAILED- For a payment failed processing | String |
StatusDesc | Status description of the response | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique number representing the transactions | Alphanumeric |
FTReferenceNumber | File Reference Number | String |
BankReferenceNumber | Bank Reference Number | String |
TransactionType | Transaction Type | String |
DebitAccountNo | Debit Account Number used for the transaction Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitCurrency | Debit Currency shown as SAR , AED , etc.Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitTheirRef | Debit Reference Number (same as Transaction Reference) Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditTheirRef | Bank Reference number generated when this payment processed by Bank financial system Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditAccountNo | Credit Account number or IBAN number Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditCurrency | Credit Currency shown as SAR , AED , etc.Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditAmount | Credit Amount Conditional for SAB | String |
AmountDebited | Amount Debited Conditional for SAB | String |
CustomerRate | Customer Rate Conditional for SAB | String |
AmountCredited | Amount Credited Conditional for SAB | String |
DebitValueDate | Debit Value Date Conditional for SAB | String |
CreditValueDate | Credit Value Date Conditional for SAB | String |
UTIReference | Unique reference number Conditional for SAB | String |
Updated 15 days ago