IBAN Verification
Validate and verify International Bank Account Numbers
SingleView IBAN Verification API services validates the IBANs with account information in real-time promoting payment efficiency and reducing payment errors and frauds service.
IBAN Verification helps confirm that the provided IBAN is valid and belongs to the right person.
Mandatory information
- The user must provide the valid credentials in the header
- Encrypted and valid Signature and an active "Access Token"
- Request format as specified with all the mandatory details with appropriate request tags
🌐Domain details
- Sandbox API - https://sandboxapi.onesingleview.com
- Production/LIVE API - To be provided upon onboarding
Verify IBAN
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/v1/getbeneficary/bankdetails | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location 'https://sandboxapi.onesingleview.com/api/v1/getbeneficary/bankdetails' \
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsRequest": {
"OSVBeneficiaryBankDetails": [
"NationalId": "1350011923",
"IBANAccount": "SA2015587976172154821147"
"Signature": "UMEH9M8tXknuRnnkrzRjDHaxFRLyZJ+wDNAl408+nTWyfTKaVcBkLLPhX5DKjTX18HK/oEJ8rmSeoswQuKzk9F2WIcXwZI9C+h7GA5d6r0FEu9hAYG+tDjFSyPDPHunMbILe1rgIlenbHra24Xt2IxAqj5115FEhJyabV0saIveNfK4sPOWtB+HeEAhwP6pwHETZoO4Z9kiMgdIbBbyD43IpRyxVQzogtlNKrkRaW/k16eIGzeS8Nh5g0txEoa3aocQTiVqzEtkwBXMKKUnoMZMCIOsPh7XNDN9nmsad0CNHr5wwJZoc9gC2e/d7fWuUu8xqe8AaSWXm3xTIfostIg=="
Request description:
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Request body | Object & String |
OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsRequest Mandatory | Root tag carrying information on the IBAN verification request | Object |
OSVBeneficiaryBankDetails Mandatory | Tag containing information on the bank and IBAN details for the request | Object |
IBANAccount Mandatory | Unique IBAN information Length of input: 24 Characters | String |
NationalId Mandatory | Unique national identification of the account holder (Iqama, CR number or National Id) | String |
Signature Mandatory | Encrypted string generated using a Private Key/CA-Signed Certificate with SHA-256 and RSA (JCE Signature) | String |
Sample responses
"OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsResponse": {
"BeneficiaryBankDetailsMessage": [
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "",
"StatusCode": "Success",
"IsActive": "Active",
"StatusDetail": "Success",
"InstitutionName": "MUHAMMAD",
"BeneficiaryNameMasked": "MUHAMMAD",
"NationalId": "1350011923",
"IBAN": "SA2015587976172154821147",
"BankName": "Al Rajhi",
"thumbnail": "/images/alrajhi-thumb-nail.png"
"OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsResponse": {
"BeneficiaryBankDetailsMessage": [
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "",
"StatusCode": "Success",
"IsActive": "Active",
"StatusDetail": "Success",
"InstitutionName": "M*******",
"BeneficiaryNameMasked": "M*******",
"NationalId": "135001192",
"IBAN": "SA2015587976172154821147",
"BankName": "Alinma Bank",
"thumbnail": "/images/AlinBankthumb.png"
"OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsResponse": {
"BeneficiaryBankDetailsMessage": [
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "",
"StatusCode": "Failed",
"IsActive": "InActive",
"StatusDetail": "IBAN and Account ID is not matched",
"InstitutionName": "",
"BeneficiaryNameMasked": "",
"NationalId": "1098184854",
"IBAN": "SA6530400108071059170014",
"BankName": "Alinma Bank",
"thumbnail": "/images/AlinBankthumb.png"
Response description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVBeneficiaryBankDetailsResponse | Tag carrying information on the response for IBAN Verification | Object |
BeneficiaryBankDetailsMessage | Tag carrying information on the requested IBANs for verification | Object |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique identification details about the transaction for IBAN verification | Alphanumeric |
StatusCode | Information on verification process as Success or Failed | Boolean |
IsActive | Status of the mentioned IBAN as Active or Inactive | Boolean |
StatusDetail | Details about the status response | String |
BICCode | Unique Bank Identification/Identifier Code | Alphanumeric |
InstitutionName | Beneficiary name/Institution name representing the IBAN | String |
BeneficiaryNameMasked | Beneficiary name displayed with masked characters | String |
NationalId | Unique identification details of the account owner that can be Iqama, CR number or National Id | Numeric |
IBAN | Returning of the provided IBAN in the request | Alphanumeric |
BankName | Name of the bank associated with the IBAN | String |
thumbnail | A small image of the institution logo | File |
Updated about 20 hours ago