Payroll Payouts Enquiry
Get latest update on payroll payments' status
SingleView Payroll Payouts Enquiry service connects Corporate users via a secure channel and enables them to enquire about the status of their payroll transactions quickly and easily. The key feature of the service allows the user to get immediate acknowledgment about the most recent status of their payments.
Riyadh Bank doesn't support Payroll Enquiry services
🌐Domain details
- Sandbox API -
- Production/LIVE API - To be provided upon onboarding
Get Payroll Payouts Enquiry
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/v1/batch/payroll/paymentenquiry | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location '' \
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615' \
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY' \
--header 'Device: web' \
--header 'DateTimeStamp: 2023-08-10T10:20:39' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKU0VLY3hhSFVoWVBjM3B3ZkI1MjhJcDJ2ank1QWpyV1dFMWNBPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNjE2Mjk1NCwiZXhwIjoxNzM2MTY2NTU0fQ.uy8sphQ4sa-p0_iUj2Rq4ULO5lDitpY_isr4yKP-NFM' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVPayrollMessageRequest": {
"OSVPayrollStatusRequest": [
"PayrollTransactions": [
"BankReferenceNumber": "",
"MessageDescription": "Payroll Message Acknowledgement",
"OrderingCustomerAccountNumber": "0108061198800019",
"ValueDate": "20250102",
"FileSeqNo": "",
"PayrollReferenceNumber": "98198322",
"CompanyCode": "125001291"
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI"
"Signature": "daMcbZ7RpZu5uQO+4JQKw0DPni2ggvBNx8TT/1IwB+whN8HxIjdkwcvL96ybblvtgnsj7Yc6wH8yUWTn9/jJ84lnqMSdqGWrl3um7WxPput79rgWvD0zXvZyB6rEqIRoiPlCB1TdkSOfyQNcd91JCTv/X7XDXXdNfOoSIydE932k/nonatdzWRBOnMf9zg/FSvWq7TwtnBGH3EtGSE6M3D3sNON1rmjeTu6q6OGjcehxYv/yQqUbjEzRWpRDZSjzATR+Gdxc3kmbRhXX36+Gb2UDVio6YjG/m6OmJrx9NJjuHPA6LfL93btmKom8BI2gYSoSTgdwKOiJl95IQaCyFg=="
Request Description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVPayrollMessageRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the payroll payment transaction messages | Tag |
OSVPayrollStatusRequest Mandatory | This tag contains enquiry for multiple banks requests | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code Ex: ALRAJHI, SABB, BSF, ANB, SNB, ALINMA, GIB, RIYADH, ALBI, BJAZ | String |
PayrollTransactions Mandatory | This tag contains details of various payroll transactions for enquiry | Object |
BankReferenceNumber Conditional | Unique bank reference number of the payroll transaction Required only for Arab National Bank (ANB) | String |
MessageDescription Mandatory | Message details concerned to the specific payroll Max size of input: 16 Characters | String |
OrderingCustomerAccountNumber Mandatory | Unique bank account details of the ordering customer mentioned in the payroll request Max size of input: 24 Characters | Alphanumeric |
ValueDate Mandatory | Date of processing of the payroll request YYYYMMDD | Date |
FileSeqNo Conditional for SNB | Unique file sequence number of the WPS payroll request 4 Digit Number in the format of MMSS MM - Current month SS - Sequence of payroll for the month | Numeric |
PayrollReferenceNumber Mandatory | It is a unique reference number generated by the customer for each payroll processing) Max size of input: 16 Characters | Numeric |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Sender company code/Identifier provided by the bank | Alphanumeric |
Signature Mandatory | Encrypted string generated using a Private Key/CA-Signed Certificate with SHA-256 and RSA (JCE Signature) | String |
Sample response
✅ Successful response
"OSVPayrollEnquiryResponse": {
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"OSVPayrollStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "",
"SequenceNum": "33266800031",
"PayrollReferenceNumber": "Payroll_Reference_Number",
"MessageType": "Message",
"MessageDescription": "Payroll_Message_Acknowledgement",
"TransferType": "MT100-Payroll",
"PayrollTransactionAmount": "",
"TransactionDate": "YYYYMMDD",
"TotalTransactionCount": "000",
"GrossAmount": "000.00",
"ValueDate": "MMDDYYYY",
"FileSeqNo": "File_Sequence_Number",
"OrderingCustomerAccountNumber": "Ordering_Customer_Account_Number",
"OrderingCustomerName": "Ordering_Customer_Name",
"StatusCode": "SUCCESS",
"StatusDesc": "Processed Successfully"
"OSVPayrollEnquiryResponse": {
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"OSVPayrollStatusResponse": [
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"SequenceNum": "9000002",
"PayrollReferenceNumber": "9000002",
"MessageType": "PRRES",
"MessageDescription": "",
"TransferType": "MT100-Payroll",
"PayrollTransactionAmount": "",
"TransactionDate": "",
"TotalTransactionCount": "",
"GrossAmount": "",
"ValueDate": "",
"FileSeqNo": "",
"OrderingCustomerAccountNumber": "",
"OrderingCustomerName": "1144",
"StatusCode": "FAILED",
"StatusDesc": "Amount Mismatch"
Response description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVPayrollEnquiryResponse | Root node | Object |
BankCode | Unique bank identification code of the bank Ex: ALRAJHI, SABB, BSF, ANB, SNB, ALINMA, GIB, RIYADH, ALBI, BJAZ | String |
OSVPayrollStatusResponse | Element root containing response of every payroll transactions | Object/Array |
CompanyCode | Sender company Code/Identifier | String |
SequenceNum | Value of “SequenceNum” tag in the request message. Maximum Length :16 digits numeric | String |
PayrollReferenceNumber | Payroll Reference Number | String |
MessageType | Type of message | String |
MessageDescription | Details about the response | String |
TransferType | Type of transfer (MT-100 Payroll) | String |
PayrollTransactionAmount | Total amount of the payroll transaction | Numeric |
TransactionDate | Date of the transaction | Date |
TotalTransactionCount | Total count of transactions in the payroll | Numeric |
GrossAmount | Gross amount of the payroll | Numeric |
ValueDate | Date of the payroll processing | Date |
FileSeqNo | Unique file sequence number of the WPS payroll request 4 Digit Number in the format of MMSS MM - Current month SS - Sequence of payroll for the month | Numeric |
OrderingCustomerAccountNumber | Unique account number of the ordering customer mentioned in the payroll | Alphanumeric |
OrderingCustomerName | Name of the ordering customer | String |
StatusCode | Status code of the response SUCCESS- For successfully settled payment PENDING- For a pending payment FAILED- For a payment failed processing | String |
StatusDetail | Details about the status of the request | String |
Updated 16 days ago