Get MOI Enquiry, Make Payment, and Initiate & Track Refund
SingleView B2B Payouts API allows you to access the following options related to SADAD MOIs:
- Fetch updated MOI information using
MOI Enquiry
- Make payments for MOIs using
MOI Payment
- Initiate refunds using
MOI Refund
- Track MOI refund using
Refund Status
MOI Enquiry
This service allows you to fetch updated information on SADAD MOI.
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/enquiry/sadad/moi | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location ''
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVSadadMOIEnquiryRequest": {
"TransactionType": "SADADMOI",
"OSVSadadMOIEnquiry": [
"BankCode": "Enter_Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Enter_Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Enter_Message_Description",
"TransactionData": [
"SequenceNumber": "Enter_Sequence_Number",
"POINum": "0000000000",
"POIType": "Enter_POI_Type",
"AccountNumber": "Enter_Account_Number",
"BillerID": "000",
"BillCategory": "00",
"ServiceCode": "000",
"BranchCode": "00000",
"RequestType": "000",
"ID": "0000000000",
"Duration": "00"
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Header information (client credentials) | Object |
OSVSadadMOIEnquiryRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the SADAD MOI information | Object |
TransactionType Mandatory | Type of transaction to be mentioned as SADADMOI | String |
OSVSadadMOIEnquiry Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the SADAD MOI requested | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | String |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Unique company identification code | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber Mandatory | Unique transaction reference number | String |
MessageDescription Mandatory | Details about the transaction | String |
TransactionData Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the requested SADAD MOI | Object |
SequenceNumber Mandatory | Unique sequence number of the SADAD MOI | String |
POINum Mandatory | Unique customer identification details | String |
POIType Mandatory | Type of customer identification | String |
AccountNumber Mandatory | Unique account number details of the SADAD MOI | String |
BillerId Mandatory | Unique biller identification details | String |
BillCategory Mandatory | Unique bill category of the SADAD MOI | String |
ServiceCode Mandatory | Unique service identification details | String |
BranchCode Mandatory | Unique branch identification details for the respective SADAD MOI | String |
RequestType Mandatory | Type of request | String |
ID Mandatory | Unique identification details | String |
Duration Mandatory | Duration of the request | Numerical |
Sample response
"OSVSadadMOIEnquiryResponse": {
"MessageType": "SADADMOI",
"TimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
"OSVSadadMOIEnquiry": [
"BankCode": "Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Company_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Message_Description",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"TransactionData": [
"ID": "ID",
"BillerID": "Biller_Id",
"GroupPayId": 00000000,
"FeeReferenceId": "Fee_Reference_Id",
"SadadReferenceId": 0000000000,
"BeneficiaryName": "Beneficiary_Name",
"DueAmount": 0000,
"PreviousAmount": "0000",
"PmtIdType": "Payment_Id_Type",
"StatusDetail": "Success",
"StatusCode": "OK",
"FeeDetails": [
"Fees": {
"FeeType": "Fee_Type",
"FeeAmount": 0000
Response description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVSadadMOIEnquiryResponse | Root tag carrying MOI enquiry response | Object |
MessageType | Message type mentioned as SADADMOI | String |
TimeStamp | Stamp denoting date and time of the response | String |
OSVSadadMOIEnquiry | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI | Object |
BankCode | Unique bank identification details | String |
CompanyCode | Unique company identification details | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique transaction reference details | String |
MessageDescription | Details about the response | String |
Status | Status of the response for MOI enquiry | Boolean |
TransactionData | Tag carrying transaction information for MOI enquiry | Object |
ID | Unique customer identification details | String |
BillerID | Unique biller identification details | String |
GroupPayId | Unique group payment identification details | String |
FeeReferenceId | Unique fee reference identification details | String |
SadadReferenceId | Unique SADAD reference identification details | String |
BeneficiaryName | Beneficiary name for the SADAD MOI | String |
DueAmount | Due amount for the SADAD MOI | Numerical |
PreviousAmount | Amount denoting any carried dues from previous month | Numerical |
PmtIdType | Unique payment identification type | String |
StatusDetail | Details about the status of the MOI | String |
StatusCode | Code representing the status of MOI enquiry | Boolean |
FeeDetails | Tag carrying information on MOI fee details | Object |
Fees | Tag carrying individual MOI fee details | Object |
FeeType | Details on MOI fee type | String |
FeeAmount | Amount denoting the MOI fee | Numerical |
MoI Payment
This service allows you to make payment for SADAD MOI.
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/payment/sadad/moi | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location ''
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVSadadMOIPaymentRequest": {
"TransactionType": "SADADMOI",
"OSVSadadMOIPayment": [
"BankCode": "Enter_Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
"AccountNumber": "Enter_Account_Number",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Enter_Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Enter_Message_Description",
"TransactionData": [
"ID": "Enter_ID",
"VisaCount": "Enter_Visa_Count",
"GroupPayId": "Enter_Group_Payment_ID",
"SequenceNumber": "Enter_Sequence_Number",
"ReferenceNumber": "Enter_Reference_Number",
"FeeReferenceId": "Enter_Fee_Reference_Id",
"SADADReferenceId": "Enter_SADAD_Reference_Id",
"DueAmount": "Enter_Due_Amount",
"PaymentType": "Enter_Payment_Type",
"BillerID": "Enter_Biller_ID",
"RequestType": "Enter_Request_type",
"NationalID": "Enter_National_ID",
"SponsorID": "Enter_Sponsor_ID",
"JobCategory": "Enter_Job_Category",
"Duration": "Enter_Duration"
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Header information | Object |
OSVSadadMOIPaymentRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the SADAD MOI payment information | Object |
TransactionType Mandatory | Type of transaction to be mentioned as SADADMOI | String |
OSVSadadMOIPayment Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the SADAD MOI payment requested | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | String |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Unique company identification code | String |
AccountNumber Mandatory | Unique account identification number with SADAD MOI | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber Mandatory | Unique transaction reference number | String |
MessageDescription Mandatory | Details of the transaction | String |
TransactionData Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the requested SADAD MOI payment | Object |
ID Mandatory | Unique identification details | String |
VisaCount Mandatory | Number indicating the count of the Visa | Numerical |
GroupPayId Mandatory | Unique group payment identification | String |
SequenceNumber Mandatory | Unique sequence number of the payment | String |
ReferenceNumber Mandatory | Unique payment reference number | String |
FeeReferenceId Mandatory | Unique fee reference identification details | String |
SADADReferenceId Mandatory | Unique SADAD reference number of the payment | String |
DueAmount Mandatory | Amount denoting the total due | Numerical |
PaymentType Mandatory | Details on the type of payment | Strong |
BillerID Mandatory | Unique biller identification details | String |
RequestType Mandatory | Type of the request | String |
NationalID Mandatory | Unique national identification details of the customer | String |
SponsorID Mandatory | Unique sponsor identification details for the visa | String |
JobCategory Mandatory | Details of the job category | String |
Duration Mandatory | Duration of the visa | String |
Sample response
"OSVSadadMOIPaymentResponse": {
"MessageType": "SADADMOI",
"TimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
"OSVSadadMOIPayment": [
"BankCode": "Bank_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Message_Description",
"CompanyCode": "Company_Code",
"AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
"BankReferenceNumber": "Bank_Reference_Number",
"TransactionData": [
"PaymentRefNumber": "Payment_Ref_Number",
"SequenceNum": "Sequence_Num",
"BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
"SadadReference": "Sadad_Reference",
"BillerID": "Biller_ID",
"SubscriberNumber": "Subscriber_Number",
"ServiceType": "Service_Type",
"PaidAmount": "Paid_Amount",
"StatusCode": "OK",
"FeeReferenceId": "Fee_Reference_Id",
"StatusDetail": "OK",
"CurrentAmount": "Current_Amount",
"PreviousAmount": "Previous_Amount",
"ID": "ID",
"VIsaNumber": "Visa_Number",
"BeneficiaryName": "Beneficiary_Name",
"Fees": [
"FeeAmount": "Fee_Amount",
"FeeType": "Fee_Type"
Response description
Meta Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVSadadMOIPaymentResponse | Root tag carrying SADAD MOI payment response | Object |
MessageType | Type of response message represented as SADADMOI | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time of the response | String |
OSVSadadMOIPayment | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI payment | Object |
BankCode | Unique bank identification code | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique transaction reference details | Stering |
MessageDescription | Details about the SADAD MOI payment | String |
CompanyCode | Unique company identification details | String |
AccountNumber | Unique account identification details for the SADAD MOI | String |
BankReferenceNumber | Unique bank reference identification details | String |
TransactionData | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI payment transaction | Object |
PaymentRefNumber | Unique payment reference details | String |
SADADRqUID | SADAD request unique identification details | String |
SequenceNum | Unqiue sequence number of the SADAD MOI payment | String |
BankReference | Unique bank reference details | String |
SadadReference | Unique SADAD reference details | String |
BillerID | Unique biller identification details | String |
SubscriberNumber | Unique SADAD MOI subscriber identification details | String |
ServiceType | Type of the SADAD MOI service | String |
PaidAmount | Total paid amount for the MOI | Numerical |
StatusCode | Status code of the MOI payment transaction | Boolean |
FeeReferenceId | Unique fee reference identification | String |
StatusDetail | Status details of the SADAD MOI payment transaction | String |
CurrentAmount | Current amount paid for the SADAD MOI | Numerical |
PreviousAmount | Previous amount paid for the SADAD MOI | Numerical |
ID | Unique customer identification details | String |
VIsaNumber | Unique visa number of the customer | String |
BeneficiaryName | Name of the beneficiary | String |
Fees | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI fee details | Object |
FeeAmount | Amount denoting the fee | Numerical |
FeeType | Details on fee type | String |
Initiate Refund
This service allows you to initiate refund for SADAD MOI.
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/refund/sadad/moi | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location ''
--header 'clientsecret: abcdef83643f61c975'
--header 'clientid: zyxvw95cE163C03b7d1'
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVSadadMOIRefundRequest": {
"TransactionType": "SADADMOI",
"OSVSadadMOIRefund": [
"BankCode": "Enter_Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Enter_Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Enter_Message_Description",
"TransactionData": [
"SequenceNumber": "Enter_Sequence_Number",
"AccountNumber": "Enter_Account_Number",
"BillerID": "Enter_Biller_Id",
"BillCategory": "Enter_Bill_Category",
"ServiceCode": "Enter_Service_Code",
"RequestType": "Enter_Request_Type",
"ID": "Enter_ID",
"Duration": "Enter_Duration"
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Header information (client credentials) | Object |
OSVSadadMOIRefundRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the SADAD MOI refund information | Object |
TransactionType Mandatory | Type of transaction to be mentioned as SADADMOI | String |
OSVSadadMOIRefund Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the SADAD MOI refund requested | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | String |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Unique company identification code | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber Mandatory | Unique transaction reference number | String |
MessageDescription Mandatory | Details of the transaction | String |
TransactionData Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the requested SADAD MOI refund | Object |
SequenceNumber Mandatory | Unique sequence number of the MOI payment refund | String |
AccountNumber Mandatory | Unique payment account number | String |
BillerID Mandatory | Unique MOI biller identification details | String |
BillCategory Mandatory | Unique MOI bill category | String |
ServiceCode Mandatory | Unique service code of the MOI | String |
RequestType Mandatory | Type of the request | String |
ID Mandatory | Unique identification details of the customer | String |
Duration Mandatory | Duration of the visa | String |
Sample response
"OSVSadadMOIRefundResponse": {
"MessageType": "SADADMOI",
"TimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
"OSVSadadMOIRefund": [
"BankCode": "Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Company_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Message_Description",
"Status": "Status",
"TransactionData": [
"ID": 000000,
"BillerID": "Biller_ID",
"FeeReferenceId": "Fee_Reference_Id",
"SadadReferenceId": "Sadad_Reference_Id",
"BeneficiaryName": "Beneficiary_Name",
"DueAmount": "Due_Amount",
"PreviousAmount": "Previous_Amount",
"PmtIdType": "Payment_Id_Type",
"StatusDetail": "Status_Detail",
"StatusCode": "Status_Code",
"FeeDetails": [
"Fees": {
"FeeType": "Fee_Type",
"FeeAmount": "Fee_Amount"
"Fees": {
"FeeType": "Fee_Type",
"FeeAmount": "Fee_Amount"
Response description
Meta Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVSadadMOIRefundResponse | Root tag carrying SADAD MOI refund response | Object |
MessageType | Type of response message represented as SADADMOI | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time of the response | String |
OSVSadadMOIRefund | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI refund | Object |
BankCode | Unique bank identification code | String |
CompanyCode | Unique company identification details | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber | Unique transaction reference details | String |
MessageDescription | Details about the SADAD MOI refund | String |
Status | Status of the refund | String |
TransactionData | Tag carrying information on MOI transaction data | Object |
ID | Unique bank reference identification details | String |
BillerID | Unique biller identification details | String |
FeeReferenceId | Unique bank fee reference details | String |
SadadReferenceId | Unique SADAD reference details | String |
BeneficiaryName | Name of the beneficiary | String |
DueAmount | Current amount due for refund | Numerical |
PreviousAmount | Previous amount due for the SADAD MOI | Numerical |
PmtIdType | Unique payment identification type details | String |
StatusDetail | Details of the status | String |
StatusCode | Unique status code of the process | String |
FeeDetails | Tag carrying information on fee details | Object |
Fee | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI refund fee | Object |
FeeAmount | Amount denoting the fee | Numerical |
FeeType | Details on fee type | String |
Refund Status
This service allows you to track the status of refund for SADAD MOI.
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/api/moi/refund/status | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location ''
--header 'clientsecret: abcdef83643f61c975'
--header 'clientid: zyxvw95cE163C03b7d1'
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVSadadMOIRefundStatusRequest": {
"TransactionType": "SADADMOI",
"OSVSadadMOIRefundStatus": [
"BankCode": "Enter_Bank_Code",
"CompanyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
"TransactionReferenceNumber": "Enter_Transaction_Reference_Number",
"MessageDescription": "Enter_Message_Description",
"TransactionData": [
"SequenceNumber": "Enter_Sequence_Number",
"AccountNumber": "Enter_Account_Number",
"BillerID": "Enter_Biller_ID",
"BillCategory": "Enter_Bill_Category",
"ServiceCode": "Enter_Service_Code",
"RequestType": "Enter_Request_Type",
"ID": "Enter_ID",
"Duration": "Enter_Duration",
"SadadReferenceId": "Enter_Sadad_Reference_Id"
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Header information (client credentials) | Object |
OSVSadadMOIRefundStatusRequest Mandatory | Root node containing all the SADAD MOI refund status information | Object |
TransactionType Mandatory | Type of transaction to be mentioned as SADADMOI | String |
OSVSadadMOIRefundStatus Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the SADAD MOI refund status requested | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | String |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Unique company identification code | String |
TransactionReferenceNumber Mandatory | Unique transaction reference number | String |
MessageDescription Mandatory | Details of the transaction | String |
TransactionData Mandatory | Tag carrying information on the requested SADAD MOI refund status | Object |
SequenceNumber Mandatory | Unique sequence number of the MOI payment refund status | String |
AccountNumber Mandatory | Unique payment account number | String |
BillerID Mandatory | Unique MOI biller identification details | String |
BillCategory Mandatory | Unique MOI bill category | String |
ServiceCode Mandatory | Unique service code of the MOI | String |
RequestType Mandatory | Type of the request | String |
ID Mandatory | Unique identification details of the customer | String |
Duration Mandatory | Duration of the visa | String |
SadadReferenceId Mandatory | Unique SADAD reference identification details | String |
Sample response
"OSVSadadMOIRefundStatusResponse": {
"OSVSadadMOIRefundStatus": [
"BankCode": "Bank_Code",
"Status": "Status",
"TransactionData": [
"FeeReferenceId": "Fee_Reference_Id",
"SadadReferenceId": "Sadad_Reference_Id",
"BeneficiaryName": "Beneficiary_Name",
"DueAmount": "Due_Amount",
"PreviousAmount": "Previous_Amount",
"PmtIdType": "Payment_Id_Type",
"StatusDetail": "Status_Detail",
"StatusCode": "Status_Code",
"FeeDetails": [
"Fees": {
"FeeType": "Fee_Type",
"FeeAmount": "Fee_Amount"
Response description
Meta Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVSadadMOIRefundStatusResponse | Root tag carrying SADAD MOI refund status response | Object |
MessageType | Type of response message represented as SADADMOI | String |
TimeStamp | Date and time of the response | String |
OSVSadadMOIRefundStatus | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI refund | Object |
BankCode | Unique bank identification code | String |
Status | Status of the refund | String |
TransactionData | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI refund transaction | Object |
FeeReferenceId | Unique bank fee reference details | String |
SadadReferenceId | Unique SADAD reference details | String |
BeneficiaryName | Name of the beneficiary | String |
DueAmount | Current amount due for refund | Numerical |
PreviousAmount | Previous amount due for the SADAD MOI | Numerical |
PmtIdType | Unique payment identification type details | String |
StatusDetail | Details of the status | String |
StatusCode | Unique status code of the process | String |
FeeDetails | Tag carrying information on fee details | Object |
Fee | Tag carrying information on SADAD MOI refund fee | Object |
FeeAmount | Amount denoting the fee | Numerical |
FeeType | Details on fee type | String |
Updated 21 days ago