Account Statement

Retrieve single or multiple bank account balances

SingleView B2B API services Account statement allows users access to request and retrieve specific user bank account statements. Corporate Customers can use this B2B service to get unaltered and raw account statement information, including all the majorly required information.


Mandatory information

  • The user must provide the valid credentials in the header
  • Encrypted and valid Signature and an active "Access Token."
  • Request format as specified with all the mandatory details with appropriate request tags

🌐Domain details

Get Account Statement

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodGrant type
/api/v1/account/statement/940POST1. clientsecret 2. clientid 3. SVReferenceID 4. CompanyID 5. BaseCurrency 6. Authorization: Bearer 7. Signature

Sample request

curl --location '' \
--header 'clientsecret: Enter-Client-Secret' \
--header 'clientid: Enter-Client-Id' \
--header 'SVReferenceID: Enter-SV-Reference-Id' \
--header 'Device: Device-type' \
--header 'DateTimeStamp: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' \
--header 'CompanyId: Enter-Company-Id' \
--header 'BaseCurrency: SAR' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Enter-Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"Message": {
  "OSVAccountStatementRequest": {
    "FromDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "ToDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "DateTimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "TransactionType": "Enter_Transaction_Type",
    "OSVPaymentInfoMessage": [
        "OSVPaymentInfoRequest": {
          "BankCode": "Enter_Bank_Code",
          "CompanyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
          "AccountNumbers": {
            "AccountNumber": [
                "AccNumber": "Account_Number"
"Signature": "Enter_Signature_String"

Request description:

JSON TagDescriptionData type
Header information (client credentials)Object & String
Root nodeObject
From dateString
To dateString
Enquiry DateString
Always it should be β€œ940”String
This tag contains multiple banks requestsObject
Element rootObject
Name of the bank.
Ex: β€œALRAJHI”, β€œSABB”
Sender company code/Identifier provided by the bank during on-boardingString
Array of accountsArray of Strings
Bank account numberString
Unique account number for which the account statement is requestedString
Encrypted string obtained by processing request body with Private Key/Certificate through SHA-256 with RSA Algorithm (Crypto : JCE Sign)String

Sample responses

  "OSVAccoutStatementResponse": {
    "FromDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "ToDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "TransactionType": "940",
    "OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponse": [
        "BankCode": "ANB",
        "CompanyCode": "Jazeera",
        "B2BUrn": "",
        "B2BAggrId": "",
        "B2BUserId": "",
        "StatusCode": "OK",
        "StatusDetail": "OK",
        "ResponseItemCount": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalance": 491959149.42,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceUSD": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceAED": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceGBP": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceINR": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceKWD": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceBHD": 0,
        "TotalOpeningBalanceEUR": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalance": 491959795.67,
        "TotalClosingBalanceUSD": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceAED": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceGBP": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceINR": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceKWD": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceBHD": 0,
        "TotalClosingBalanceEUR": 0,
        "OSVPaymentInfoResponse": [
            "StatusCode": "OK",
            "StatusDetail": "OK",
            "TransactionType": "940",
            "SequenceNum": "",
            "AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
            "ReceiptTime": "",
            "ProcessStatus": "",
            "TransactionData": {
              "UniqueReference": "",
              "RelatedReferenceNumber": "",
              "AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
              "StatementNo": "",
              "TransactionTime": "",
              "CurrencyAmountCode": "",
              "OpeningBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "SAR",
                "Amount": 491959149.42
              "TransactionDetails": [
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
                  "ValueDate": "230212",
                  "EntryDate": "0212",
                  "PostingTime": "",
                  "DCMark": "C",
                  "FundsCode": "",
                  "Amount": 50,
                  "TransactionType": "56",
                  "IdentificationCode": "",
                  "AccountOwnerReference": "Account_Owner_Reference",
                  "BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
                  "Description": "Description",
                  "SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
                  "SourceID": "",
                  "SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
                  "CardType": "",
                  "BillerId": "",
                  "Category": "Local Transfer",
                  "VirtualAccount": ""
              "ClosingBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "SAR",
                "Amount": 491959795.67
              "ClosingAvailableBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "",
                "Amount": ""
              "Comment": "",
              "TotalNumberOfDebits": "",
              "TotalNumberOfCredits": ""

  "OSVAccoutStatementResponse": {
    "FromDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "ToDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
    "TransactionType": "940",
    "OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponse": [
        "BankCode": "NCB",
        "CompanyCode": "ABC1234",
        "B2BUrn": "",
        "B2BAggrId": "",
        "B2BUserId": "",
        "StatusCode": "Failed",
        "StatusDetail": "Failed",
        "ResponseItemCount": "1",
        "TotalOpeningBalance": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceUSD": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceAED": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceGBP": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceINR": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceKWD": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceBHD": "",
        "TotalOpeningBalanceEUR": "",
        "TotalClosingBalance": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceUSD": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceAED": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceGBP": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceINR": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceKWD": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceBHD": "",
        "TotalClosingBalanceEUR": "",
        "OSVPaymentInfoResponse": [
            "StatusCode": "Failed",
            "StatusDetail": "Unauthorized to access the service",
            "TransactionType": "940",
            "SequenceNum": "",
            "AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
            "ReceiptTime": "",
            "ProcessStatus": "",
            "TransactionData": {
              "UniqueReference": "",
              "RelatedReferenceNumber": "",
              "AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
              "StatementNo": "",
              "TransactionTime": "",
              "CurrencyAmountCode": "",
              "OpeningBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "",
                "Amount": ""
              "TransactionDetails": [],
              "ClosingBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "",
                "Amount": ""
              "ClosingAvailableBalance": {
                "DCMark": "",
                "Date": "",
                "Currency": "",
                "Amount": ""
              "Comment": "",
              "TotalNumberOfDebits": "",
              "TotalNumberOfCredits": ""

Response description

JSON TagDescriptionData type
OSVAccoutStatementResponseRoot nodeObject
FromDateFrom DateString
ToDateTo DateString
TransactionTypeAlways it should be β€œ940”String
OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponseElement root containing response of every bankObject
BankCodeName of the bank
Ex: β€œALRAJHI”, β€œSABB”
CompanyCodeSender company code/Identifier provided by the bank during on-boardingString
B2BUrnUnique B2B reference numberString
B2BAggrIdUnique B2B aggregator identification detailsString
B2BUserIdUnique B2B user identification detailsString
StatusCodeStatus code of the processed requestString
StatusDetailStatus details of the processed requestString
ResponseItemCountNumber of transactions included in the statementString
TotalOpeningBalanceTotal Opening BalanceString
TotalOpeningBalanceUSDTotal Opening Balance in USD
TotalOpeningBalanceAEDTotal Opening Balance in AED
TotalOpeningBalanceGBPTotal Opening Balance in GBP
TotalOpeningBalanceINRTotal Opening Balance in INR
TotalOpeningBalanceKWDTotal Opening Balance in KWD
TotalOpeningBalanceBHDTotal Opening Balance in BHD
TotalOpeningBalanceEURTotal Opening Balance in EUR
TotalClosingBalanceTotal Closing BalanceString
TotalClosingBalanceUSDTotal Closing Balance in USD
TotalClosingBalanceAEDTotal Closing Balance in AED
TotalClosingBalanceGBPTotal Closing Balance in GBP
TotalClosingBalanceINRTotal Closing Balance in INR
TotalClosingBalanceKWDTotal Closing Balance in KWD
TotalClosingBalanceBHDTotal Closing Balance in BHD
TotalClosingBalanceEURTotal Closing Balance in EUR
OSVPaymentInfoResponseThis tag contains the status of the Bank AccountsObject
TransactionTypeType of transactionString
StatusCodeStatus code of the transactionBoolean
StatusDetailStatus details of the transactionBoolean
SequenceNumUnique sequence number of the transactionString
AccountNumberAccount NumberString
ReceiptTimeReceipt Time of the EnquiryString
ProcessStatusStatus of the processString
TransactionDataTag carrying information on transaction detailsString
UniqueReferenceStatement reference numberString
RelatedReferenceNumberConcerned related reference numberString
AccountNumberAccount NumberString
StatementNoStatement NumberString
CurrencyAmountCodeCode of the currencyString
OpeningBalanceTag carrying information on opening balanceString
DCMarkCredit/Debit markString
DateDate of the credit and debit amountString
CurrencyAccount Currency. Maximum length of Currency should be 3. E.g. SARString
TransactionDetailsTag carrying information on transaction detailsString
ValueDateDate at which transaction is valuedString
EntryDateDate at which transaction is entered in the statememtString
PostingTimeTime of posting of the transaction statusString
DCMarkTransaction Credit/DebitString
FundsCodeCode of the fundsString
AmountCredit/Debit AmountString
TransactionTypeS: Swift Transfer
N: Non Swift Transfer
F: First Advice
IdentificationCodeUnique identification codeString
AccountOwnerReferenceAccount Owner Reference NumberString
BankReferenceBank Reference NumberString
DescriptionTransaction DescriptionString
SourceAccountSource AccountString
SourceIDSource IDString
SourceAccountNameSource Account NameString
CardTypeCard TypeString
BillerIdUnique SADAD biller identification detailsString
CategoryCategory of the transaction among Local Transfer, POS, BANK COMMISION, ATMString
VirtualAccountUnique virtual account identification detailsString
ClosingBalanceTag carrying information on closing balanceObject
DCMarkDC mark of the closing balanceString
DateDate of the indicated closing balanceString
CurrencyCurrency of the closing balance displayedString
AmountAmount denoting the closing balanceNumerical
ClosingAvailableBalanceTag carrying information on available closing balanceObject
DCMarkDC mark of the available closing balanceString
DateDate of the indicated available closing balanceString
CurrencyCurrency of the closing available balance displayedString
AmountAmount denoting the available closing balanceNumerical
CommentComment for the processString
TotalNumberOfDebitsNumber of debits included in the statementNumerical
TotalNumberOfCreditsNumber of credits included in the statementNumerical