Account Statement
Retrieve single or multiple bank account balances
SingleView B2B API services Account statement allows users access to request and retrieve specific user bank account statements. Corporate Customers can use this B2B service to get unaltered and raw account statement information, including all the majorly required information.
Mandatory information
- The user must provide the valid credentials in the header
- Encrypted and valid Signature and an active "Access Token"
- Request format as specified with all the mandatory details with appropriate request tags
🌐Domain details
- Sandbox API -
- Production/LIVE API - To be provided upon onboarding
Get Account Statement
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Grant type |
/api/v1/account/statement/940 | POST | 1. CompanyId 2. SVReferenceID 3. DateTimeStamp 4. Device 5. Authorization: Bearer (Token) |
Sample request
curl --location '' \
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: SV150619940615'
--header 'DateTimeStamp :2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"Message": {
"OSVAccountStatementRequest": {
"FromDate": "2025-01-15T00:00:00",
"ToDate": "2025-01-15T23:59:59",
"DateTimeStamp": "2025-01-17T09:13:26",
"TransactionType": "940",
"OSVPaymentInfoMessage": [
"OSVPaymentInfoRequest": {
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"AccountNumbers": {
"AccountNumber": [
"AccNumber": "204000010006085129123"
"Signature": "UMEH9M8tXknuRnnkrzRjDHaxFRLyZJ+wDNAl408+nTWyfTKaVcBkLLPhX5DKjTX18HK/oEJ8rmSeoswQuKzk9F2WIcXwZI9C+h7GA5d6r0FEu9hAYG+tDjFSyPDPHunMbILe1rgIlenbHra24Xt2IxAqj5115FEhJyabV0saIveNfK4sPOWtB+HeEAhwP6pwHETZoO4Z9kiMgdIbBbyD43IpRyxVQzogtlNKrkRaW/k16eIGzeS8Nh5g0txEoa3aocQTiVqzEtkwBXMKKUnoMZMCIOsPh7XNDN9nmsad0CNHr5wwJZoc9gC2e/d7fWuUu8xqe8AaSWXm3xTIfostIg=="
Request description:
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
Message Mandatory | Header information (client credentials) | Object & String |
OSVAccountStatementRequest Mandatory | Tag carrying information on request to fetch account statement | Object |
FromDate Mandatory | Starting date of the statement period ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
ToDate Mandatory | Ending date of the statement period ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | String |
DateTimeStamp Mandatory | Stamp denoting the time and date of the request ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
TransactionType Mandatory | To be mentioned as942 - For statement about today's transactions940 - For statement about date ranged transaction statement | Numerical |
OSVPaymentInfoMessage Mandatory | This tag contains multiple banks requests | Object |
OSVPaymentInfoRequest Mandatory | Element root | Object |
BankCode Mandatory | Unique bank identification code (SingleView Identifier) Ex: ALRAJHI, SABB, BSF, ANB, SNB, ALINMA, GIB, RIYADH, ALBI, BJAZ | Alphabetical |
CompanyCode Mandatory | Sender company code/Identifier provided by the bank during on-boarding | String |
AccountNumbers Mandatory | Tag carrying information on bank account number | Object |
AccountNumber Mandatory | Tag carrying an array of strings of bank account numbers | Array of string |
AccNumber Mandatory | Unique account number for which the account statement is requested Input size: Min - 11 Characters Max - 24 Characters | Alphanumeric |
Signature Mandatory | Encrypted string generated using a Private Key/CA-Signed Certificate with SHA-256 and RSA (JCE Signature) | String |
Sample responses
"OSVAccoutStatementResponse": {
"FromDate": "2025-01-15T00:00:00",
"ToDate": "2025-01-15T23:59:59",
"TransactionType": "940",
"OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponse": [
"BankCode": "ALRAJHI",
"CompanyCode": "125001291",
"StatusCode": "OK",
"StatusDetail": "OK",
"ResponseItemCount": "1",
"TotalOpeningBalance": "500.09",
"TotalClosingBalance": "500.09",
"OSVPaymentInfoResponse": [
"StatusCode": "OK",
"StatusDetail": "Statment Initiated Successfully",
"TransactionType": "940",
"SequenceNum": "145541",
"AccountNumber": "204000010006085129123",
"ReceiptTime": "2025-01-15T00:00:00",
"ProcessStatus": "1",
"TransactionData": {
"UniqueReference": "20250116080008",
"RelatedReferenceNumber": "SV15061994",
"AccountNumber": "204608015129123",
"StatementNo": "00015/001",
"TransactionTime": "2025-01-15T00:00:00",
"CurrencyAmountCode": "SAR",
"OpeningBalance": {
"DCMark": "C",
"Date": "250115",
"Currency": "SAR",
"Amount": 2000911706.34
"TransactionDetails": [],
"ClosingBalance": {
"DCMark": "C",
"Date": "250115",
"Currency": "SAR",
"Amount": 2000911706.34
"ClosingAvailableBalance": {
"DCMark": "C",
"Date": "250115",
"Currency": "SAR",
"Amount": 2000911706.34
"Comment": "",
"TotalNumberOfDebits": "01",
"TotalNumberOfCredits": "00"
"OSVAccoutStatementResponse": {
"FromDate": "2025-01-15T00:00:00",
"ToDate": "2025-01-15T23:59:59",
"TransactionType": "940",
"OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponse": [
"BankCode": "NCB",
"CompanyCode": "ABC1234",
"B2BUrn": "",
"B2BAggrId": "",
"B2BUserId": "",
"StatusCode": "Failed",
"StatusDetail": "Failed",
"ResponseItemCount": "1",
"TotalOpeningBalance": "",
"TotalClosingBalance": "",
"OSVPaymentInfoResponse": [
"StatusCode": "OK",
"StatusDetail": "Statment Initiated Successfully",
"TransactionType": "940",
"SequenceNum": "145541",
"AccountNumber": "204000010006085129123",
"ReceiptTime": "",
"ProcessStatus": "",
"TransactionData": {
"UniqueReference": "",
"RelatedReferenceNumber": "",
"AccountNumber": "204608015129123",
"StatementNo": "",
"TransactionTime": "",
"CurrencyAmountCode": "",
"OpeningBalance": {
"DCMark": "",
"Date": "",
"Currency": "",
"TransactionDetails": [],
"ClosingBalance": {
"DCMark": "",
"Date": "",
"Currency": "",
"Amount": ""
"ClosingAvailableBalance": {
"DCMark": "",
"Date": "",
"Currency": "",
"Amount": ""
"Comment": "",
"TotalNumberOfDebits": "",
"TotalNumberOfCredits": ""
Response description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
OSVAccoutStatementResponse | Root node | Object |
FromDate | From Date | String |
ToDate | To Date | String |
TransactionType | Always it should be “940” | String |
OSVPaymentInfoMessageResponse | Element root containing response of every bank | Object |
BankCode | Name of the bank Ex: “ALRAJHI”, “SABB” | String |
CompanyCode | Sender company code/Identifier provided by the bank during on-boarding | String |
B2BUrn | Unique B2B reference number | String |
B2BAggrId | Unique B2B aggregator identification details | String |
B2BUserId | Unique B2B user identification details | String |
StatusCode | Status code of the processed request | String |
StatusDetail | Status details of the processed request | String |
ResponseItemCount | Number of transactions included in the statement | String |
TotalOpeningBalance | Total Opening Balance | String |
TotalClosingBalance | Total Closing Balance | String |
OSVPaymentInfoResponse | This tag contains the status of the Bank Accounts | Object |
TransactionType | Type of transaction | String |
StatusCode | Status code of the transaction | Boolean |
StatusDetail | Status details of the transaction | Boolean |
SequenceNum | Unique sequence number of the transaction | String |
AccountNumber | Account Number | String |
ReceiptTime | Receipt Time of the Enquiry | String |
ProcessStatus | Status of the process | String |
TransactionData | Tag carrying information on transaction details | String |
UniqueReference | Statement reference number | String |
RelatedReferenceNumber | Concerned related reference number | String |
AccountNumber | Account Number | String |
StatementNo | Statement Number | String |
CurrencyAmountCode | Code of the currency | String |
OpeningBalance | Tag carrying information on opening balance | String |
DCMark | Credit/Debit mark | String |
Date | Date of the credit and debit amount | String |
Currency | Account Currency. Maximum length of Currency should be 3. E.g. SAR | String |
Amount | Amount | String |
TransactionDetails | Tag carrying information on transaction details | String |
ValueDate | Date at which transaction is valued | String |
EntryDate | Date at which transaction is entered in the statememt | String |
PostingTime | Time of posting of the transaction status | String |
DCMark | Transaction Credit/Debit | String |
FundsCode | Code of the funds | String |
Amount | Credit/Debit Amount | String |
TransactionType | S: Swift Transfer N: Non Swift Transfer F: First Advice | String |
IdentificationCode | Unique identification code | String |
AccountOwnerReference | Account Owner Reference Number | String |
BankReference | Bank Reference Number | String |
Description | Transaction Description | String |
SourceAccount | Source Account | String |
SourceID | Source ID | String |
SourceAccountName | Source Account Name | String |
CardType | Card Type | String |
BillerId | Unique SADAD biller identification details | String |
Category | Category of the transaction among Local Transfer , POS , BANK COMMISION , ATM | String |
VirtualAccount | Unique virtual account identification details | String |
ClosingBalance | Tag carrying information on closing balance | Object |
DCMark | DC mark of the closing balance | String |
Date | Date of the indicated closing balance | String |
Currency | Currency of the closing balance displayed | String |
Amount | Amount denoting the closing balance | Numerical |
ClosingAvailableBalance | Tag carrying information on available closing balance | Object |
DCMark | DC mark of the available closing balance | String |
Date | Date of the indicated available closing balance | String |
Currency | Currency of the closing available balance displayed | String |
Amount | Amount denoting the available closing balance | Numerical |
Comment | Comment for the process | String |
TotalNumberOfDebits | Number of debits included in the statement | Numerical |
TotalNumberOfCredits | Number of credits included in the statement | Numerical |
Updated 10 days ago