Error Codes

System responses

HTTP Response Codes

Every request processed through the SingleView APIs will have a response among the following:

✔️ Successful ❌ Unsuccessful ⚠️ Error

HTTP StatusDescriptionHandling
400Bad requestSpot the invalidity parameter from the message and retry by entering valid details
401UnauthorizedRefresh Session ID and try again
500Internal/server errorRetry later
504Time-outRetry later

Error Response Codes

The following are the error codes that are encountered in the integrator and their description:

Error codeDescription
ER00400Bad Request
ER00500Internal Server Error/Due to some exception
ER01001Group tag is missing
ER01002group.en mandatory field is missing
ER01003group.code mandatory field is missing
ER01004company.en mandatory field is missing
ER01005company.code mandatory field is missing
ER01006company.erpService mandatory field is missing
ER03001account.accountNum mandatory field is missing
ER03002account.corpId mandatory field is missing
ER03003account.swiftCode mandatory field is missing
ER03004account.holderName mandatory field is missing
ER03005account.address mandatory field is missing
ER03006account.currency mandatory field is missing
ER03007account.acERPcode mandatory field is missing
ER03008account.bankCode mandatory field is missing
ER03010account.bankCode is invalid
ER03011beneficiary.accountNum mandatory field is missing
ER03012beneficiary.corpId mandatory field is missing
ER03013beneficiary.swiftCode mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing
ER03015beneficiary.address mandatory field is missing
ER03016beneficiary.iban mandatory field is missing
ER03017beneficiary.currency mandatory field is missing
ER03018beneficiary.benERPcode mandatory field is missing
ER03019beneficiary.bankCode mandatory field is missing
ER03021beneficiary.bankCode is invalid
ER03022beneficiary.supplierCode is invalid
ER03023beneficiary.iban + "-" + "beneficiary.iban is already exist"
ER03025beneficiary.type mandatory field is missing
ER03026beneficiary.supplierCode mandatory field is missing field length should be max 35 characters field should not have any special characters
ER03029beneficiary.iban should be max 24 characters for beneficiary type local
ER03030beneficiary.iban should be max 34 characters for beneficiary type international
ER03031beneficiary.swiftCode should be max 11 characters
ER04001payment tag is missing
ER04002payment array details are missing
ER04003payment.payId mandatory field is missing
ER04004payment.amount mandatory field is missing
ER04005payment.currency mandatory field is missing
ER04006payment.acERPcode mandatory field is missing
ER04007payment.benERPcode mandatory field is missing
ER04008payment.description mandatory field is missing
ER04012payment.benERPcode not approved yet for process payment
ER04012iv.supplierCode mandatory field is missing
ER04013iv.createdDate mandatory field is missing
ER04014iv.payDate mandatory field is missing
ER04015iv.userId mandatory field is missing
ER04016iv.ivNumber mandatory field is missing
ER04017iv.amount mandatory field is missing
ER04018iv.approvers mandatory field is missing
ER04019iv.description mandatory field is missing
ER04020iv.ledgerRef mandatory field is missing
ER04021iv.po details are missing
ER04022iv.items details are missing
ER04023po.supplierCode mandatory field is missing
ER04024po.createdDate mandatory field is missing
ER04025po.payDate mandatory field is missing
ER04026po.userId mandatory field is missing
ER04027po.poNumber mandatory field is missing
ER04028po.amount mandatory field is missing
ER04029po.approvers mandatory field is missing
ER04030po.description mandatory field is missing
ER04031po.ledgerRef mandatory field is missing
ER04032item.item mandatory field is missing
ER04033item.createdDate mandatory field is missing
ER04034item.description mandatory field is missing
ER04035item.quantity mandatory field is missing
ER04036item.unitPrice mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing
ER04038item.discountPercentage mandatory field is missing
ER04039item.amount mandatory field is missing
ER04040item.salesTaxInclude mandatory field is missing
ER04041item.reason mandatory field is missing
ER04043payment.userName is invalid
ER04043payment.userName mandatory field is missing
ER05001companyCode mandatory field is missing
ER05002fromDate mandatory field is missing
ER05003toDate mandatory field is missing
ER05004type mandatory field is missing
ER06001company.companyCode is invalid
ER06002company.companyCode is invalid
ER06003data tag is missing
ER06004data array details are missing
ER06005data.cusPO mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing
ER06006data.currency mandatory field is missing
ER06007data.ivId mandatory field is missing
ER06008data.createdDate mandatory field is missing
ER06009data.amount mandatory field is missing
ER06010data.ref_num mandatory field is missing
ER06011data.status mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing
ER07001company.companyCode is invalid
ER07002company.companyCode is invalid
ER07003supplier tag is missing
ER07004supplier array details are missing mandatory field is missing
ER07006supplier.benERPCode mandatory field is missing
ER07007supplier.supplierContact mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing mandatory field is missing
ER07010supplier.supplierCode mandatory field is missing
ER07011supplier.userName is invalid/supplier.userName mandatory field is missing