Get transaction statements using API services
SingleView APIs allows you to generate, retrieve, and manage financial statements seamlessly within your ERP systems.
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/v1/api/erp/svStmtServiceRQ | POST | 1/. clientid 2. clientsecret 3. signature |
Get Statement Services
Sample request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'clientid: Enter_Client_ID' \
--header 'clientsecret: Enter_Client_Secret' \
--header 'signature: Enter_Signature' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"svStmtServiceRQ": {
"groupCode": "Enter_Group_Code",
"company": [
"companyCode": "Enter_Company_Code",
"userName": "Enter_Username",
"statement": [
"acERPcode": "Enter_Account_ERP_Code",
"fromDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"toDate": "YYYY-MM-DD"
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data Type |
clientid Mandatory | Unique client identification details Length of input: Min 3 Characters Max 20 Characters | String |
clientsecret Mandatory | Unique client secret code Length of input: Min 3 Characters Max 20 Characters | String |
signature Mandatory | 64-Bit string obtained by processing client signature key through Base-64 and SHA-256 | String |
svStmtServiceRQ Mandatory | Tag carrying information on request to generate statement | Object |
groupCode Mandatory | Unique group identification code Length of input: Min 3 Characters Max 20 Characters | Numerical |
company Mandatory | Tag carrying information about company | Object |
companyCode Mandatory | Unique company identification code Length of input: Min 3 Characters Max 20 Characters | Numerical |
userName Mandatory | Unique user identification name Length of input: Min 3 Characters Max 20 Characters | String |
statement Mandatory | Tag carrying information on account statement request | Object |
acERPcode Mandatory | Unique account ERP identification code Min: 9 Digits | Numerical |
fromDate Mandatory | Starting date of the statement in YYYY-MM-DD format | Date |
toDate Mandatory | Ending date of the statement in YYYY-MM-DD format | Date |
Sample response
"svStmtServiceRS": {
"company": [
"companyCode": "Company_Code",
"userName": "Username",
"statement": [
"acERPcode": "Account_ERP_Code",
"Transactions": {
"StatusCode": "Transaction_Status_Code",
"StatusDetail": "Transaction_Status_Detail",
"TransactionType": "Type_of_Transaction",
"SequenceNum": "Squence_Number",
"AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
"ReceiptTime": "Receipt_Time",
"ProcessStatus": "Process_Status",
"TransactionData": {
"UniqueReference": "Unique_Transaction_Reference",
"RelatedReferenceNumber": "Related_Transaction_Reference_Number",
"AccountNumber": "Account_Number",
"StatementNo": "Statement_Number",
"TransactionTime": "Transaction_Time",
"CurrencyAmountCode": "Currency_Amount_Code",
"OpeningBalance": {
"DCMark": "DC_Mark",
"Date": "Date",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Amount": "Amount"
"TransactionDetails": [
"ValueDate": "Value_Date",
"EntryDate": "Entry_Date",
"DCMark": "DC_Mark",
"FundsCode": "Funds_Code",
"Amount": 00000,
"PostingTime": "Posting_Time",
"TransactionType": "Transaction_Type",
"IdentificationCode": "ID_Code",
"AccountOwnerReference": "Owner_Account_Reference",
"BankReference": "Bank_Reference",
"Description": "Transaction_Description",
"SourceAccount": "Source_Account",
"SourceID": "Source_ID",
"SourceAccountName": "Source_Account_Name",
"CardType": "Card_Type",
"VirtualAccount": "SA2017134859632587562269"
"ClosingBalance": {
"DCMark": "DC_Mark",
"Date": "Date",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Amount": "Amount"
"ClosingAvailableBalance": {
"DCMark": "DC_Mark",
"Date": "Date",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Amount": "Amount"
"Comment": "",
"TotalNumberOfDebits": "Number_of_Debits_In_Statement",
"TotalNumberOfCredits": "Number_of_Credits_In_Statement"
Response description
JSON Tag | Description | Data Type |
svStmtServiceRS | Tag carrying information on process response for statement services | Object |
company | Tag carrying information on company | Object |
companyCode | Unique company identification code | Numerical |
userName | Unique username | String |
statement | Tag carrying information on acquired statement | Object |
acERPcode | Unique ERP account code | Numerical |
Transactions | Tag carrying information on fetched transactions | Object |
StatusCode | Specific transaction's status displayed via code | Numerical |
StatusDetail | Specific transaction's status details | String |
TransactionType | Information on type of the transaction | String |
SequenceNum | Sequence number of the transaction | Numerical |
AccountNumber | Unique account identification | String |
ReceiptTime | Time of the transaction reciept | String |
ProcessStatus | Details on process status | String |
TransactionData | Tag carrying data for the specific transaction | Object |
UniqueReference | Unique transaction reference | String |
RelatedReferenceNumber | Related transaction reference number | Numerical |
AccountNumber | Transaction account number | String |
StatementNo | Unique statement number | String |
TransactionTime | Time of the transaction | String |
CurrencyAmountCode | Unique code representing the currency amount | String |
OpeningBalance | Tag carrying information on opening balance during the transaction | Object |
DCMark | DC mark of the transaction | String |
Date | Date of the opening balance | String |
Currency | Currency in which the opening balance is displayed | String |
Amount | Amount representing the opening balance | Numerical |
TransactionDetails | Tag carrying information on transaction details | Object |
ValueDate | Date of the transaction | String |
EntryDate | Date of the transaction creation/initiation | String |
DCMark | DC mark of the transaction | String |
FundsCode | Code indicating the funds | String |
Amount | Transaction amount | Numerical |
PostingTime | Time of posting the transaction | String |
TransactionType | Type of the transaction | String |
IdentificationCode | Unique identification code of the transaction type | String |
AccountOwnerReference | Account owner reference details | String |
BankReference | Bank reference details | String |
Description | Description of the transaction | String |
SourceAccount | Source account used for the transaction | String |
SourceID | Unique source identification for the transaction | String |
SourceAccountName | Source account name used for the transaction | String |
CardType | Details about card type | String |
ClosingBalance | Tag carrying information on closing balance of the account during the transaction | Object |
DCMark | DC mark information during the transaction | String |
Date | Date of the closing balance during the transaction | String |
Currency | Currency representing the closing balance | String |
Amount | Amount representing the closing balance | Numerical |
ClosingAvailableBalance | Tag carrying information on closing balance during the response creation | Object |
DCMark | DC mark information during the transaction | String |
Date | Date of the closing balance during the transaction | String |
Currency | Currency representing the closing balance | String |
Amount | Amount representing the closing balance | Numerical |
Comment | Additional information about the transaction | String |
TotalNumberOfDebits | Total number of debits occurred during the mentioned transaction period | String |
TotalNumberOfCredits | Total number of credits occurred during the mentioned transaction period | String |
Updated 17 days ago