
Get automatic updates and information on payment status and charges

Payment Webhook services allows you to enable automatic updates regarding payment enquiry. It allows you to get notified about the status of your payments.

Webhook provide you with information on:

  • Payment status
  • Payment charges


Important information

  • Responding to the webhook you receive
    To acknowledge that you received the web hook without any problem, your server should return response as json {status: "OK"}. You need to respond to the web hook.
  • What happens when a webhook is not received?
    When a webhook is not received for whatever reason, will continue trying to send the web hook once every hour for a maximum of 3 attempts after which they will be discarded. Web hooks will automatically be deactivated if three or more events get discarded.

Payment status

  "service": "svWebHookPaymentStatus",
  "companyCode": "Company_Code",
  "payments": [
      "payId": "Payment_ID",
      "authId": "Authentication_ID",
      "seqNum": "Sequence_Number",
      "svRefId": "SV_Reference_ID",
      "amount": 00.00,
      "currency": "Currency",
      "txnDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
      "status": Status_Code, // 0 - COMPLETED, 1 - FAILED, 2 - BANK PROCESS, 3 - ONHOLD, 4 -OPEN
      "approval_status": Approval_Status_Code // 0 - IN PROGRESS, 1 - REVIEWED, 2 - APPROVED, 3 - EXECUTED, 4 - REJECTED 
      "payId": "Payment_ID",
      "authId": "Authentication_ID",
      "seqNum": "Sequence_Number",
      "svRefId": "SV_Reference_ID",
      "amount": 00.00,
      "currency": "Currency",
      "txnDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
      "status": Status_Code, // 0 - COMPLETED, 1 - FAILED, 2 - BANK PROCESS, 3 - ONHOLD, 4 -OPEN
      "approval_status": Approval_Status_Code // 0 - IN PROGRESS, 1 - REVIEWED, 2 - APPROVED, 3 - EXECUTED, 4 - REJECTED

Response description:

JSON TagDescriptionData type
svWebHookPaymentStatusWeb Hook Payment Status response tagObject
companyCodeUnique company codeString
paymentArray of paymentsArray
authIdSingleView Authentication IDString
payIdUnique reference id toward payment request from ERPString
seqNumSequence numberString
svRefIdSingleView Reference IDString
currencyCurrency of paymentString
txnDateTransaction dateString
statusStatus of the paymentString
approval_statusApproval status of the payment requestString

Payment charges

  "service": "svWebHookPaymentCharge",
  "companyCode": "Company_Code",
  "payments": [
      "payId": "Payment_ID",
      "authId": "Authentication_ID",
      "seqNum": "Sequence_Number",
      "svRefId": "SV_Reference_Number",
      "amount": 00.00,
      “bankCharges”: “Y or N”,  // Y - Post , N - don’t Post
      "currency": "Currency",
      "txnDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
      "status": Status_Code, // 0 - COMPLETED , 1 -  FAILED, 2 - BANK PROCESS , 3 - ONHOLD , 4 -OPEN
      "approval_status": Approval_Status_Code // 0 -  IN PROGRESS, 1 - REVIEWED, 2 - APPROVED , 3 - EXECUTED , 4 - REJECTED 
      "payId": "Payment_ID",
      "authId": "Authentication_ID",
      "seqNum": "Sequence_Number",
      "svRefId": "SV_Reference_Number",
      "amount": 00.00, 
      "bankCharges": "Y or N",  // Y - Post , N - Don’t Post
      "currency": "Currency",
      "txnDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
      "status": Status_Code, // 0 - COMPLETED, 1 - FAILED, 2 - BANK PROCESS, 3 - ONHOLD, 4 -OPEN
      "approval_status": Approval_Status_Code // 0 - IN PROGRESS, 1 - REVIEWED, 2 - APPROVED, 3 - EXECUTED, 4 - REJECTED
JSON TagDescriptionData type
svWebHookPaymentChargeWeb Hook Payment Status response tagObject
companyCodeUnique company codeString
paymentArray of paymentsArray
payIdUnique reference id toward payment request from ERPString
authIdSingleView Authentication IDString
seqNumSequence numberString
svRefIdSingleView Reference IDString
chargeAmountAmount chargedString
currencyCurrency of paymentString
txnDateTransaction dateString
approval_statusApproval status of the payment requestString
bankChargesAmount charged by the bankString
statusStatus of the paymentString



Refer Types & Statuses for more info on payment status update codes.