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Access to SingleView B2B Payouts & Info APIs is exclusive to registered and authorized users. New users must create an account and log in to access SingleView API services.

Onboarding Requirements

The users interested in accessing SingleView B2B API services need to share the following information and meet the mentioned prerequisites:

  • User needs to share the details of their Public IPs and Certificates (Self-signed or Authorized) for Whitelisting purpose
  • Share the service-required documents
  • Get registered with the bank and get the company code


Upon successfully registering and completing prerequisite formalities, the user will receive a Client ID and Client Secret to access SingleView API Services.

Register an account

Send your registration request via email to [email protected]. Make sure to explain your requirements and include the following information:

  • Your name and company name
  • Contact information and email address
  • Details of the APIs and service requirements
  • Names of the interested banks to access
  • Expected number of users, requests, etc.

Post-application process

Upon submission of your application, you can expect a prompt response from the communication channels provided. Our team will gather and verify your requirements to propose an appropriate solution.

The team will assist you to get onboarded and start your journey with SingleView.

mTLS Authentication

Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) is a mutual authentication method that verifies the parties at each end of a network connection by using a private key.

The following steps are involved while creating an mTLS protocol:

Step 1 Client shares CSR with SingleView via email to [email protected]

Step 2 SingleView signs the certificate using root CA and shares it back with the Client

Step 3 The Client uses this certificate with their private key during the handshake


Need help with mTLS authentication?

Send us an email at [email protected] to get detailed information and sample code to complete the mTLS authentication procedure.

Service Validations

Every request goes through a series of validations based on the type of service. The following are the various validations required to access the concerned SingleView B2B Services API:

B2B API ServiceService Validations
Account Information Services
Account statement- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token Validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
- Authorized account
- Statement date should not be current/future date
- While requesting the statement date should not be more than 1 day
- Statement Date should not be prior to 30 days.
Balance enquiry- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
- Valid IBAN/Account number
IBAN verification- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
Payouts- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token Validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
- Ensure a valid Debit Account number is captured
- Availability of sufficient fund in Debit account
- Back value date transaction will not be accepted
- Future value date payment should not exceed 14 days from the date of payment initiation
- Transactions amount should not exceed per transaction limit/per day limit
- No Duplicate transactions allowed (i.e.) Transaction will be rejected if the same sequence number has been used in the past (or) the payment initiated to the same beneficiary with same day, same amount and same value dateAccount-to-Account Validations (With Bank)
- Must be a valid account (BBAN/IBAN)SARIE Validations
- Beneficiary BIC code must be valid
- Beneficiary information should have a valid IBAN with its corresponding BIC ID
- Transactions received after cut-off will be processed on next business day
- Transactions received during holidays/weekends will be processed on next business day
- Any local payment (LP) should have a valid purpose of remittance information capturedInternational Transfers Validation
- Beneficiary BIC code must be valid
- Transactions received after cut-off should be processed on next business day
- Transactions received during holidays/weekends shall be processed on next business day
- Any overseas payment (TT) should have a valid purpose of remittance information captured
- IBAN mandated/listed countries should capture only “IBAN number” for processing the payments
- Any Non–IBAN mandated/listed countries should capture only “Account Number” with the local clearing code (whichever country is applicable) for processing the payments
Post-payment enquiry- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token Validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
Payroll payouts- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token Validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code
- Ensure a valid Debit Account number is captured
- Availability of sufficient fund in Debit account
- Back value date transaction will not be accepted
- Future value date payment should not exceed 14 days from the date of payment initiation
- Transactions amount should not exceed per transaction limit/per day limit
- No Duplicate transactions allowed (i.e.) Transaction will be rejected if the same sequence number has been used in the past (or) the payment initiated to the same beneficiary with same day, same amount and same value date
- Beneficiary BIC code must be valid
- Transactions received after cut-off should be processed on next business day
- Transactions received during holidays/weekends shall be processed on next business day
- Any overseas payment (TT) should have a valid purpose of remittance information captured
- IBAN mandated/listed countries should capture only “IBAN number” for processing the payments
- Any Non–IBAN mandated/listed countries should capture only “Account Number” with the local clearing code (whichever country is applicable) for processing the payments
Payroll payments enquiry- Signature verification

- IPs Whitelisting
- Token Validation
- Valid/Active B2B company code

Parts of the request


This part carries the information that is required to authenticate a request. This includes Client ID, Client Secret, and Access Token.


This part includes the information about the request created on the backend of the client application.


An encrypted string is obtained by processing the request body with a private key/certificate through SHA-256 with an RSA algorithm (crypto: JCE sign).