Get Access Token

Get an authorized access to API communications


Access Token acts as an authentication value that helps SingleView APIs determine that a request is valid and is made by an authorized person.

A user should process a POST request to the concerned end-point to generate an access token.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodAuthentication requirements
/v1/api/svplatform/tokenOauth2POST1. CompanyId
2. SVReferenceID
3. DateTimeStamp
4. Device

The request is posted to the endpoint mentioned above in the specified format with all the required details. The system then processes the information to authenticate, and a response is generated based on the validity of the details.

Sample request

curl --location '' \
--header 'CompanyId: MYCOMPANY'
--header 'SVReferenceID: BEMC0001'
--header 'DateTimeStamp	:2025-01-02T10:20:39'
--header 'Device: Web'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"clientId": "abcdef83643f61c975",
"clientCode": "zyxvw95cE163C03b7d1",
"grant_type": "client_credentials",


JSON TagDescriptionData type
Unique client identification detailsString
Unique client secret code for authenticationString
Type of grant provided for authentication. Here as client_credentialsString

Sample response

Successful response

✔️ Response occurs if the request is valid and is successfully authenticated and processed

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoiTDNyMmpxV29JS2I4MTNodDBNMlZ4WGpFZmR6WFNWaTFad3B5QnlkOVpHelZXR2ZwUmFQNUV1TXl6S1Aybi94Y0lwR2V5STNNMkdPL1pqakd4ZG0yclJKUkdhRXlaWGNpWnZnOHArMWIyOGtOQTVkZ0VKajVVSEdiTmtNPSIsImlhdCI6MTczNTgwMTQ3NywiZXhwIjoxNzM1ODA1MDc3fQ.Bh7LFkvxNFrLe9dmH5rURWjGpES-u4z2EGeyrNM7z6E",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": "6000"


JSON TagDescriptionData type
access_tokenAccess tokenString
token_typeType of tokenString
expires_inTime for expiry of the access tokenString

Failed Response

❌ Response occurs if the request is processed but have encountered a service downtime/connection refusal.

  "success": false,
  "payload": {},
  "message": "Connect Refused"


JSON TagDescriptionData type
successStatus of the process represented as true or falseBoolean
payloadTag carrying information on the payloadObject
messageMessage representing the information on the error encounteredString