Get Access Token

Access Token is a security parameter that enables the users to sent authorized requests to the SingleView APIs. It is obtained during the initial login process. It is mandatory for a user to include a valid access token to facilitate their requests to access SingleView API services.

Note: Access Token is valid for a limited period of 60 minutes from the time it is created.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLHTTP Operation


Here's a sample request and response to generate Access Token:

Sample Request


Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData Type
Unique authentication value assigned to the registered users known as "Client ID"String
Unique authentication value assigned to the registered users known as "Client Code"String
Unique authentication value assigned to every merchant created known as "Merchant ID"String
Type of grant being used to access and authenticate the requestString

Sample Response

  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    "access_token": "Access_Token_String",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 0000

Response description

JSON TagDescriptionData Type
successResponse of the processing of the request as true or falseBoolean
payloadPayload response of the requestObject
access_tokenEncrypted access token keyString
token_typeType of token obtainedString
expires_inExpiry of the token obtainedNumerical