Get Access Token

Access Token is a security parameter that enables the users to sent authorized requests to the SingleView APIs. It is obtained during the initial login process. It is mandatory for a user to include a valid access token to facilitate their requests to access SingleView API services.

Note: Access Token is valid for a limited period of 60 minutes from the time it is created.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLHTTP Operation


Here's a sample request and response to generate Access Token:

Sample Request


Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData Type
Unique authentication value assigned to the registered users known as "**Client ID**"String
Unique authentication value assigned to the registered users known as "**Client Code**"String
Unique authentication value assigned to every merchant created known as "**Merchant ID**"String
Type of grant being used to access and authenticate the requestString

Sample Response

  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    "access_token": "Access_Token_String",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 0000

Response description

JSON TagDescriptionData Type
successResponse of the processing of the request as true or falseBoolean
payloadPayload response of the requestObject
access_tokenEncrypted access token keyString
token_typeType of token obtainedString
expires_inExpiry of the token obtainedNumerical