Balance Check
Get account balance updates in real-time
Balance Check API services provide access to real-time balance information for specific bank accounts included in the Consent ID. Viewing multiple account balances in real time is helpful in budgeting, payment processing, and account management. SingleView's user-friendly integration options and security measures make our API services a valuable resource for businesses and individuals to stay informed about their financial positions.
Balance Check API services allow you to fetch single or multiple account balances in real time.
User consent is the primary requirement to access any services in Open Banking. The user or account holder grants explicit consent to a Third-Party to access their financial data. This consent is given through a secure, multi-factor authentication process to verify the user's identity.
The consent request must include the following details:
Endpoint | useCaseType Value | permissions Value |
/v1/api/observice/connect | BALANCECHECK | ReadAccountsBasic ReadAccountsDetail ReadBalances |
Check Consent Management for more details to create, view, and revoke consents.
Get Balance Check Services
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/v1/api/observice/allAccountsBalance | POST | 1. clientId 2. clientCode 3. signature 4. Authorization Bearer: Token |
Sample request
"dateTimeStamp": "2024-12-31T10:40:00+02:00",
"requestID": "df797efb-b588-4234-8ae1-5cb748559830",
"merchantId": "APIS-300505",
"fromDate": "2016-01-01T10:40:00+02:00",
"toDate": "2025-12-31T10:40:00+02:00",
"balanceCheck" : true,
"banks": [
"code": "SAMA",
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
DateTimeStamp Mandatory | Stamp denoting the date and time of the request ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
RequestID Mandatory | Unique request identification UUID format | Alphanumeric |
merchantId Mandatory | Unique merchant identification UUID format | Alphanumeric |
fromDate Mandatory | Initial date of transaction period ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
toDate Mandatory | Final date of transaction period ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
balanceCheck Mandatory | Balance check service tag to be denoted as true | Boolean |
banks Mandatory | Array of banks and consents | Object |
code Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | Alphanumeric |
consentId Mandatory | Unique consent identification | String |
Sample response
"payload": {
"success": true,
"payload": [
"code": "SAMA",
"consentId": "urn:SAMA:kac-e17407a4-283d-4ae2-9764-64c632e2e390",
"data": {
"account": [
"accountId": "100004000000000000000002",
"accountHolderName": "Mitsuhirato",
"accountHolderShortName": "Mitsuhirato",
"status": "Active",
"currency": "SAR",
"nickname": "Mitsuhirato",
"accountType": "KSAOB.Retail",
"accountSubType": "CurrentAccount",
"accountIdentifiers": [
"identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
"identification": "10000109010102",
"name": "Luigi International"
"identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
"identification": "10000109010102",
"name": "Luigi International"
"servicer": {
"identificationType": "KSAOB.BICFI",
"identification": "10000109010101"
"statusUpdateDateTime": "2023-02-01T16:37:00.980Z",
"description": "Account sub-type description",
"openingDate": "2022-04-08T16:37:00.980Z",
"maturityDate": "2023-11-29T16:37:00.980Z",
"balance": [
"amount": {
"amount": "1091.70",
"currency": "SAR"
"creditDebitIndicator": "KSAOB.Credit",
"type": "KSAOB.ClosingAvailable",
"dateTime": "2022-09-14T09:55:54.217Z",
"creditLine": [
"included": true,
"type": "KSAOB.Temporary",
"amount": {
"amount": "1000.00",
"currency": "SAR"
"accountId": "100004000000000000000003",
"accountHolderName": "Mitsuhirato",
"accountHolderShortName": "Mitsuhirato",
"status": "Active",
"currency": "SAR",
"nickname": "Mitsuhirato",
"accountType": "KSAOB.Retail",
"accountSubType": "CurrentAccount",
"accountIdentifiers": [
"identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
"identification": "10000109010103",
"name": "Mario International"
"identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
"identification": "10000109010103",
"name": "Mario International"
"servicer": {
"identificationType": "KSAOB.BICFI",
"identification": "10000109010101"
"statusUpdateDateTime": "2023-02-01T16:37:00.981Z",
"description": "Account sub-type description",
"openingDate": "2022-04-08T16:37:00.981Z",
"maturityDate": "2023-11-29T16:37:00.981Z",
"balance": [
"amount": {
"amount": "1230.00",
"currency": "SAR"
"creditDebitIndicator": "KSAOB.Credit",
"type": "KSAOB.ClosingAvailable",
"dateTime": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
"creditLine": [
"included": true,
"type": "KSAOB.Temporary",
"amount": {
"amount": "1000.00",
"currency": "SAR"
"totalOpeningBalance": 2321.7,
"totalAvailableBalance": 2321.7,
"totalClosingAvailable": 2321.7,
"currency": "SAR"
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
"overAllBalance": {
"totalOpeningBalance": 2321.7,
"totalAvailableBalance": 2321.7,
"totalClosingAvailable": 2321.7,
"currency": "SAR"
Response description
JSON Tag | Description |
success | Process success status represented as True or False |
payload | Payload tag carrying response information |
code | Unique bank code identification |
data | Tag carrying accounts and balances data included in the response |
accountId | Unique account identification |
accountHolderName | Name of the account holder |
accountHolderShortName | Short name of the account holder |
status | Status of the account |
currency | Default currency of the account |
nickname | Nickname of the account |
accountType | Details of account type |
accountSubType | Details of account sub-type |
accountIdentifiers | Tag carrying account identifiers details |
identificationType | Account identification type details |
identification | Account identification details |
name | Name of the account identifier |
servicer | Tag carrying account servicer details |
identificationType | Servicer identification type details |
identification | Servicer identification details |
statusUpdateDateTime | Last time and date of update for account information |
description | Description of the update |
openingDate | Opening date of the account |
maturityDate | Maturity date of the account |
balance | Tag carrying account balance information |
amount | Tag carrying cash balance information |
amount | Cash balance amount |
currency | Default currency of the account in which the balance is indicated |
creditDebitIndicator | Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance |
type | Indicator type details |
dateTime | Date and time information of the indicator |
creditLine | Tag carrying credit line information |
included | Status of credit line as included or excluded |
type | Type of credit line details |
amount | Tag carrying amount information of credit line |
amount | Available amount in credit line |
currency | Currency in which the credit line balance is indicated |
totalOpeningBalance | Total opening balance |
totalAvailableBalance | Total available balance |
totalClosingAvailable | Total closing balance |
currency | Currency of the total balances |
links | Redirect link |
self | Own link/URL details |
meta | Meta tag |
totalPages | Information displayed in terms of pages |
overallBalance | Tag carrying information on overall balances |
totalOpeningBalance | Total opening balance |
totalAvailableBalance | Total available balance |
totalClosingBalance | Total closing balance |
currency | Currency of the overall balance indicated |
Updated 10 days ago