Standing Orders

Retrieve information about Standing Orders of a single or multiple accounts

Get Standing Orders by Account ID

This method fetches Standing Orders of a particular account specified through the Account ID and its corresponding Consent ID.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodAuthentication requirements
/v1/api/observice/standingOrdersByIdPOST1. clientId
2. clientCode
3. signature
4. Authorization Bearer: Token

Sample request

  "dateTimeStamp": "2024-12-31T10:40:00+02:00",
  "requestID": "df797efb-b588-4234-8ae1-5cb748559830",
  "merchantId": "APIS-300505",
  "banks": [
      "code": "SAMA",
      "accountId": "100004000000000000000002"

Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData type
Stamp denoting the date and time of the request
ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
Unique request identification
UUID format
Unique merchant identification
UUID format
Array of banks and consentsObject
Unique bank identification codeAlphanumeric
Unique consent identificationString
Unique account identification as per the consentString

Sample response

  "success": true,
  "payload": [
      "code": "ALINMA",
      "data": {
        "accountId": "100004000000000000000002",
        "standingOrder": [
            "standingOrderId": "001010000000000000000113",
            "frequency": "WkInMnthDay:02:05",
            "creditorReference": "GSG 10 BANK ROAD",
            "firstPaymentDateTime": "2014-05-15T00:00:00.000Z",
            "nextPaymentDateTime": "2018-01-15T00:00:00.000Z",
            "lastPaymentDateTime": "2020-01-10T00:00:00.000Z",
            "finalPaymentDateTime": "2020-01-10T00:00:00.000Z",
            "numberOfPayments": "3",
            "standingOrderStatusCode": "KSAOB.Active",
            "firstPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "84.09",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "finalPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "2.50",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "supplementaryData": {
              "supplementary": "data"
            "nextPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "84.09",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "purpose": "Bills and expenses",
            "lastPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "10.20",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "standingOrderType": "KSAOB.BetweenMyAccounts",
            "creditorAgent": {
              "identificationType": "KSAOB.BICFI",
              "identification": "1bAl9aFPqOoBs5"
            "creditorAccount": [
                "identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
                "identification": "GB04INDR90872921098674"
            "standingOrderId": "001010000000000000000114",
            "frequency": "IntrvlMnthDay:12:-05",
            "creditorReference": "Tim 920111011",
            "firstPaymentDateTime": "2015-02-17T00:00:00.000Z",
            "nextPaymentDateTime": "2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z",
            "lastPaymentDateTime": "2012-01-10T00:00:00.000Z",
            "finalPaymentDateTime": "2022-02-17T00:00:00.000Z",
            "numberOfPayments": "3",
            "standingOrderStatusCode": "KSAOB.Active",
            "firstPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "92.10",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "finalPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "100.00",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "supplementaryData": {
              "supplementary": "data"
            "nextPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "92.10",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "purpose": "Bills and expenses",
            "lastPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "10.20",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "standingOrderType": "KSAOB.LocalBankTransfer",
            "creditorAgent": {
              "identificationType": "KSAOB.BICFI",
              "identification": "USq9mf7APqZ3c4"
            "creditorAccount": [
                "identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
                "identification": "GB14GHTT10010289048910"
            "standingOrderId": "13174af1-caf3-4119-ac73-665cc6f8ec83",
            "frequency": "EvryDay",
            "creditorReference": "Allowance",
            "firstPaymentDateTime": "2023-02-22T22:21:09.458Z",
            "nextPaymentDateTime": "2023-02-22T22:21:09.458Z",
            "lastPaymentDateTime": "2024-01-23T22:21:09.458Z",
            "finalPaymentDateTime": "2024-01-23T22:21:09.458Z",
            "numberOfPayments": "8",
            "standingOrderStatusCode": "KSAOB.Active",
            "firstPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "46.36",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "finalPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "7.35",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "supplementaryData": {
              "supplementary": "data"
            "nextPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "95.71",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "purpose": "Bills and expenses",
            "lastPaymentAmount": {
              "amount": "25.82",
              "currency": "SAR"
            "standingOrderType": "KSAOB.BetweenMyAccounts",
            "creditorAgent": {
              "identificationType": "KSAOB.BICFI",
              "identification": "WwGWj7HFctGMWz"
            "creditorAccount": [
                "identificationType": "KSAOB.IBAN",
                "identification": "273547544750"
      "links": {
        "self": ""
      "meta": {
        "totalPages": 1

Response description

JSON TagDescription
successProcess success status represented as True or False
payloadPayload tag carrying response information
codeUnique bank code identification
dataTag carrying accounts and Standing Orders data included in the response
accountIdUnique account identification
standingOrderTag carrying account's Standing Orders' information
standingOrderIdUnique Standing Order identification
frequencyFrequency of the Standing Order
creditorReferenceUnique creditor reference details
firstPaymentDateTimeDate and time of the first standing order payment
nextPaymentDateTimeDate and time of the upcoming standing order payment
lastPaymentDateTimeDate and time of the previous/recent standing order payment
finalPaymentDateTimeDate and time of the final standing order payment
numberOfPaymentsTotal number of payments from first to final payments
standingOrderStatusCodeUnique status code of the Standing Order
firstPaymentAmountTag carrying information on first payment for standing order
amountTransaction amount of the standing order
currencyDefault currency of the account in which the standing order amount is indicated
finalPaymentAmountTag carrying information on final payment of standing order
amountTransaction amount for the standing order
currencyDefault currency of the account in which the standing order amount is indicated
supplementaryDataTag carrying information on supplementary data
supplementarySupplementary details
nextPaymentAmountTag carrying information on the upcoming standing order payment
amountTransaction amount of the standing order
currencyDefault currency in which the standing order amount is indicated
purposeDetails on the purpose of standing order
lastPaymentAmountTag carrying information on the previous recent standing order payment
amountTransaction amount of the standing order
currencyDefault currency in which the standing order amount is indicated
standingOrderTypeType of the standing order
creditorAgentTag carrying information about creditor agent
identificationTypeType of identification of the creditor
identificationUnique creditor identification details
creditorAccountTag carrying information about creditor account
identificationTypeType of identification of the creditor account
identificationUnique creditor account identification details
linksRedirect link
selfOwn link/URL details
metaMeta tag
totalPagesInformation displayed in terms of pages