Data Enrichment 💎

Premium API to gain insights on transaction data through advanced categorization


Data Enrichment API enables users to gain additional insights and detailed information on transactions. By sending transaction data to the API, users can retrieve enriched information, such as merchant details, transaction categorization, and other metadata that can improve the analysis and understanding of the transaction.


User consent is the primary requirement to access any services in Open Banking. The user or account holder grants explicit consent to a Third-Party to access their financial data. This consent is given through a secure, multi-factor authentication process to verify the user's identity.

The consent request must include the following details:

EndpointuseCaseType Valuepermissions Value

Check Consent Management for more details to create, view, and revoke consents.

Get Customer Verification Services

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodAuthentication requirements
v1/api/observice/dataEnrichmentTxnsPOST1/. clientId
2. clientCode
3. signature
4. Authorization Bearer: Token

Sample request

  "dateTimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
  "requestID": "Enter_Request_Id",
  "merchantId": "Enter_Merchant_Id",
  "fromDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
  "toDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM",
  "banks": [
      "code": "Enter_Bank_Code",

Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData type
Stamp denoting the date and time of the requestString
Unique request identificationString
Unique merchant identificationString
Initial date of the transaction periodDate-Time
Pinal date of the transaction periodDate-Time
Data enrichment service tag to be denoted as trueBoolean
Array of banks and consentsObject
Unique bank identification codeString
Unique consent identificationString

Sample response

  "success": true,
  "payload": [
      "code": "SAMA",
      "consentId": "urn:SAMA:kac-63c82e6e-44ed-4890-b43f-330b20e433ae",
      "data": {
        "account": [
            "accountId": "Account_Id",
            "accountHolderName": "Account_Holder_Name",
            "accountHolderShortName": "Account_Holder_Short_Name",
            "status": "Account_Status",
            "currency": "Currency",
            "nickname": "Account_Nickname",
            "accountType": "Account_Type",
            "accountSubType": "Account_Sub_Type",
            "accountIdentifiers": [
                "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                "identification": "Identification_Details",
                "name": "Name"
            "servicer": {
              "identificationType": "Servicer_Identification_Type",
              "identification": "Servicer_Identification"
            "statusUpdateDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "description": "Account_Description",
            "openingDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "maturityDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "transactions": [
                "transactionId": "Transaction_Id",
                "transactionDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
                "transactionReference": "Transaction_Reference",
                "transactionInformation": "Transaction_Information",
                "subTransactionType": "Transaction_Sub_Type",
                "paymentModes": "Payment_Modes",
                "amount": {
                  "amount": "0.20",
                  "currency": "SAR"
                "merchantDetails": {
                  "merchantName": "Merchant_Name",
                  "merchantCategoryCode": "Merchant_Category_Code",
                  "merchantId": "Merchant_Id"
                "balance": {
                  "creditDebitIndicator": "Credit_Debit_Indicator",
                  "type": "Type",
                  "amount": {
                    "amount": "00.00",
                    "currency": "Currency"
                "status": "Transaction_Status",
                "transactionMutability": "Transaction_Mutability",
                "bookingDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "amount": "0.00",
                  "currency": "SAR",
                  "chargeIncluded": true/false
                "terminalId": 0000000,
                "flags": [
                "cardInstrument": {
                  "cardSchemeName": "Card_Scheme_Name",
                  "instrumentType": "Instrument_Type",
                  "name": "Name",
                  "identification": "Identification_Details"
                "creditorAccount": [
                "debtorAccount": {
                  "identificationType": "Debit_Account",
                  "identification": "Identification_Details",
                  "name": "Name"
                "bankTransactionCode": {
                  "domain": "Domain",
                  "domainCode": "Domain_Code",
                  "family": "Family",
                  "familyCode": "Family_Code",
                  "subFamily": "Sub_Family",
                  "subFamilyCode": "Sub_Family_Code"
                "proprietaryBankTransactionCode": {
                  "code": "Code",
                  "issuer": "Issuer"
                "creditorAgent": {
                  "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                  "identification": "Identification",
                  "postalAddress": {
                    "addressType": "Address_Type",
                    "streetName": "Street_Name",
                    "buildingNumber": "Building_Number",
                    "postalCode": "Postal_Code",
                    "city": "City_Name",
                    "country": "Country",
                    "shortAddress": "Short_Address",
                    "unitNumber": "Unit_Number",
                    "secondaryNumber": "Secondary_Number",
                    "district": "District"
                  "name": "Name"
                "debtorAgent": {
                  "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                  "identification": "Identification",
                  "postalAddress": {
                    "addressType": "Address_Type",
                    "streetName": "Street_Name",
                    "buildingNumber": "Building_Number",
                    "postalCode": "Postal_Code",
                    "city": "City_Name",
                    "country": "Country",
                    "shortAddress": "Short_Address",
                    "unitNumber": "Unit_Number",
                    "secondaryNumber": "Secondary_Number",
                    "district": "District"
                  "name": "Name"
                "billDetails": {
                  "billerId": 000000,
                  "billNumber": "Bill_Number",
                  "billPaymentType": "Bill_Payment_Type"
                "category": {
                  "group": "Income",
                  "name": "Food & Dining",
                  "subCategory": "POS"
      "links": {
        "self": "https://"
      "meta": {
        "totalPages": 1

Response description

JSON TagDescription
successProcess success status represented as True or False
payloadPayload tag carrying response information
codeUnique bank code identification
consentIdUnique consent identification details
dataTag carrying accounts and transactions data enrichment included in the response
accountTag carrying information on the response for requested bank account
accountIdUnique account identification
accountHolderNameName of the account holder
accountHolderShortNameShort name of the account holder
statusStatus of the account
currencyDefault currency of the account
nicknameNickname of the account
accountTypeDetails of account type
accountSubTypeDetails of account sub-type
accountIdentifiersTag carrying account identifiers details
identificationTypeAccount identification type details
identificationAccount identification details
nameName of the account identifier
servicerTag carrying account servicer details
identificationTypeServicer identification type details
identificationServicer identification details
statusUpdateDateTimeLast time and date of update for account information
descriptionDescription of the update
openingDateOpening date of the account
maturityDateMaturity date of the account
transactionsTag carrying account transactions information
transactionIdUnique transaction identification
transactionDateTimeTime and date of the transaction executed
transactionReferenceUnique transaction reference details
transactionInformationDetails on transaction information
subTransactionTypeSub-type of the transaction
paymentModesMode of the payment
amountTag carrying information on transaction amount
amountAmount of the transaction
currencyCurrency in which the amount is displayed
merchantDetailsTag carrying information about the merchant
merchantNameName of the merchant
merchantCategoryCodeUnique merchant category identification code
merchantIdUnique merchant identification details
balanceTag carrying info on account balance after the transaction
creditDebitIndicatorCredit or debit indicator for the transaction
typeType of account balance
amountTag carrying information on balance amount
amountBalance amount
currencyCurrency in which the balance amount is shown
statusStatus of the transaction
transactionMutabilityMutability factor of the transaction
bookingDateTimeDate and time of booking the transaction
chargeAmountTag carrying transaction charges information
amountTotal amount charged for the transaction
currencyDefault currency of account in which the transaction charge amount is indicated
chargeIncludedIndicates if the charge amount is included in transaction amount as true or false
terminalIdUnique terminal identification
flagsTag carrying flags as array of strings
cardInstrumentTag carrying card details
cardSchemeNameScheme name description of the card
instrumentTypeType of instrument used for the card payment
nameName on the card
identificationUnique card identification
creditorAccountTag carrying creditor account information
debtorAccountTag carrying debtor account information
identificationTypeType of identification of the account
identificationAccount identification details
nameName of the account holder
bankTransactionCodeTag carrying transaction bank codes
domainDomain details
domainCodeDomain code
familyDomain family details
familyCodeDomain family code
subFamilyDomain sub-family details
subFamilyCodeDomain sub-family code
proprietaryBankTransactionCodeTag representing proprietary bank transaction code and details
codeUnique proprietary transaction code
issuerName of the issuer of the code
creditorAgentTag carrying creditor agent information
debtorAgentTag carrying debtor agent information
identificationTypeType of identification of the creditor/debtor account
identificationUnique identification details of the creditor/debtor account
postalAddressPostal address of the creditor/debtor account
addressTypeAddress type on the creditor/debtor account
streetNameStreet name on the creditor/debtor account
buildingNumberBuilding number of the creditor/debtor account
postalCodePostal code on the creditor/debtor
cityCity of the creditor/debtor
countryCountry of the creditor/debtor
shortAddressShort address of the creditor/debtor
unitNumberUnit number of the creditor/debtor
secondaryNumberSecondary number of the creditor/debtor
districtDistrict of the creditor/debtor
nameName of the creditor/debtor
billDetailsTag carrying bill details
billerIdUnique biller identification
billNumberBill number
billPaymentTypePayment type for the bill
categoryTag carrying transaction category details
groupGroup of transaction among Income or Expense
nameName for the transaction category
subCategorySub-category of the transaction
linksRedirect link
selfOwn link/URL details
metaMeta tag
totalPagesInformation displayed in terms of pages

Available Categories

Category Name (English)Category Name (Arabic)
Auto & Transportالسيارات والنقل
Bills & Utilitiesالفواتير والمرافق
Business Serviceخدمات الأعمال
Clothing Storesمتاجر الملابس
Fees & Chargesالرسوم والتكاليف
Food & Diningالطعام
Gifts & Donationsيُقرض
Health & Fitnessالصحة واللياقة
Human Resourcesالموارد البشرية
Professional Relatedذات الصلة المهنية
Research & Developmentالبحث والتطوير
Retail Outlet Servicesخدمات منافذ البيع بالتجزئة
Taxesالزكاة و الضرائب
Technology & ITتقنية المعلومات
Uncategorizedغير مصنف