
Get a single or multiple accounts information


SingleView AIS API enables the retrieval of account information from banks using the Consent ID and account ID. The API allows the users to access the account information for the Bank accounts with active user consent. Once consent is expired or deleted, that specific bank account information shall be inaccessible.

For all the consented bank accounts, a unique account ID can be used to retrieve the corresponding account information and data.

The account information can be obtained in the following methods:

  • Get All Accounts Info
  • Get Account Info by Account ID

Get All Accounts Info

This method uses the Consent ID and fetches all the bank accounts included in the specified consent. Below are examples of requests and responses to this method.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodAuthentication requirements
/v1/api/observice/accountsPOST1. clientId
2. clientCode
3. Authorization: Bearer
4. signature

Sample request

  "dateTimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
  "requestID": "Enter_Request_Id",
  "merchantId": "Enter_Merchant_Id",
  "banks": [
      "code": "Enter_Bank_Code",

Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData type
Stamp denoting the date and time of the requestString
Unique request identificationString
Unique merchant identificationString
Array of banks and consentsObject
Unique bank identification codeString
Unique consent identificationString

Sample response

  "success": true,
  "payload": [
      "code": "Bank_Code",
      "data": {
        "account": [
            "accountId": "Account_Id",
            "accountHolderName": "Account_Holder_Name",
            "accountHolderShortName": "Account_Holder_Short_Name",
            "status": "Acccount_Status",
            "currency": "Account_Currency",
            "nickname": "Account_Holder_Nickname",
            "accountType": "Type_of_Account",
            "accountSubType": "Sub-Type_of_Account",
            "accountIdentifiers": [
                "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                "identification": "Identification",
                "name": "Identified_Name"
                "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                "identification": "Identification",
                "name": "Identified_Name"
            "servicer": {
              "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
              "identification": "Identification"
            "statusUpdateDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "description": "Account_Sub-type_Description",
            "openingDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "maturityDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"
            "accountId": "Account_Id",
            "accountHolderName": "Account_Holder_Name",
            "accountHolderShortName": "Account_Holder_Short_Name",
            "status": "Acccount_Status",
            "currency": "Account_Currency",
            "nickname": "Account_Holder_Nickname",
            "accountType": "Type_of_Account",
            "accountSubType": "Sub-Type_of_Account",
            "accountIdentifiers": [
                "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                "identification": "Identification",
                "name": "Identified_Name"
                "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
                "identification": "Identification",
                "name": "Identified_Name"
            "servicer": {
              "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
              "identification": "Identification"
            "statusUpdateDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "description": "Account_Sub-type_Description",
            "openingDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
            "maturityDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"
      "links": {
        "self": "https://"
      "meta": {
        "totalPages": 0

Response description

JSON TagDescription
successProcess success status represented as true or false
payloadTag carrying the response information
codeUnique bank identification code
dataTag carrying the response data of the accounts
accountTag carrying a specific account information
accountIdUnique bank account identification code
accountHolderNameFull name of the account holder
accountHolderShortNameShort name of the account holder
statusCurrent status of the account as active or inactive
currencyDefault currency of the account
nicknameNickname of the account holder
accountTypeType of the account
accountSubTypeSub-type of the account
accountIdentifiersAccount identifiers information tag
identificationTypeType of account identification
identificationUnique identification details
nameName of the account as per identification
servicerAccount servicer details tag
identificationTypeType of servicer account identification
identificationUnique servicer identification details
statusUpdateDateTimeEffective date and time of the last update of account information
descriptionDescription of the account information
openingDateDate of opening of the bank account
maturityDateDate of maturity of the bank account
linksRedirect links tag
selfOwn links/URL details
metaMeta tag
totalPagesInformation included in the response in terms of page length

Get Account Info By Account ID

This method uses the Consent ID and Account ID to fetch the account information of the specified account.

Endpoint details

Endpoint URLMethodAuthentication requirements
/v1/api/observice/accountsByIdPOST1. clientId
2. clientCode
3. signature
4. Authorization Bearer: Token

Sample request

  "dateTimeStamp": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
  "requestID": "Enter_Request_Id",
  "merchantId": "Enter_Merchant_Id",
  "banks": [
      "code": "Enter_Bank_Code",
      "accountId": "Enter_Account_Id"

Request description

JSON TagDescriptionData type
Stamp denoting the date and time of the requestString
Unique request identificationString
Unique merchant identificationString
Array of banks and consentsObject
Unique bank identification codeString
Unique consent identificationString
Unique bank account identification included in the corresponding consentString

Sample response

  "success": true,
  "payload": [
      "code": "Bank_Code",
      "data": {
        "accountId": "Account_Id",
        "account": {
          "accountHolderName": "Account_Holder_Name",
          "accountHolderShortName": "Account_Holder_Short_Name",
          "status": "Acccount_Status",
          "currency": "Account_Currency",
          "nickname": "Account_Holder_Nickname",
          "accountType": "Type_of_Account",
          "accountSubType": "Sub-Type_of_Account",
          "accountIdentifiers": [
              "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
              "identification": "Identification",
              "name": "Identified_Name"
              "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
              "identification": "Identification",
              "name": "Identified_Name"
          "servicer": {
            "identificationType": "Identification_Type",
            "identification": "Identification"
          "statusUpdateDateTime": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
          "description": "Account_Sub-type_Description",
          "openingDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
          "maturityDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"
      "links": {
        "self": "https://"
      "meta": {
        "totalPages": 0

Response description

JSON TagDescription
successProcess success status represented as true or false
payloadTag carrying the response information
codeUnique bank identification code
dataTag carrying the response data of the accounts
accountIdUnique bank account identification as per the consent
accountTag carrying a specific account information
accountHolderNameFull name of the account holder
accountHolderShortNameShort name of the account holder
statusCurrent status of the account as active or inactive
currencyDefault currency of the account
nicknameNickname of the account holder
accountTypeType of the account
accountSubTypeSub-type of the account
accountIdentifiersAccount identifiers information tag
identificationTypeType of account identification
identificationUnique identification details
nameName of the account as per identification
servicerAccount servicer details tag
identificationTypeType of servicer account identification
identificationUnique servicer identification details
statusUpdateDateTimeEffective date and time of the last update of account information
descriptionDescription of the account information
openingDateDate of opening of the bank account
maturityDateDate of maturity of the bank account
linksRedirect links tag
selfOwn links/url details
metaMeta tag
totalPagesInformation included in the response in terms of page length