SingleView SDK helps you connect your user's bank account, access its data, and initiate payments. When you connect to a user’s bank account, you connect to their bank entity, which contains their accounts with that bank.
SingleView SDK refers to this as an entity throughout this documentation to avoid confusion, as a connected entity may contain several accounts, such as a checking and a savings account.
Entities also hold data such as identity as well as the account themselves. Each account contains data such as balance and transaction history.
Getting Started
To use SingleView SDK and access real-time, accurate financial data, you must create an account at {url} to get started.
For business continuity, we recommend you create a new mailing group dedicated to SingleView SDK’s integration (i.e., [email protected]) and add all the relevant employees to this group. Then, developers/employees can be added/invited to your sandbox account via our Developer Portal’s “Team” feature/section.
Sandbox & Production endpoints
To make testing & developing with SingleView SDK quick and easy, a set of Sandbox API endpoints is available at {url}. While using the Sandbox, you will not need to set up certificate authentication with the services you are using, and you can test the retrieval and display of each endpoint with mock data.
Sensitive data in Sandbox
Due to the nature of Sandbox being a testing environment, we recommend not using sensitive data (like personally identifiable information) when testing data or payments.
When you are ready to go into production or start testing with live data, you must activate your application for production and switch your API calls to https://secure.onesingleview.com for Live API calls.
Your Application
We make an application for you when you first register with SingleView SDK. By default, we use your organization name for your application name but feel free to change it by going to the “Settings” tab on the left, along with the logo and description.
Application Token
The application token identifies all communications your software makes with SingleView SDK. You will find your application token in the Authentication tab on the left. It would be best if you stored the value of your application token in your codebase as an environment variable.
You must pass this along with every call you make to our API in the request’s Header as the sv-app-token
Update SDK Designation Account
To update payment designation accounts, send a call to the endpoint https://uat.onesingleview.com/v1/api/bank/accounts/updateSdkDesignationAccount
Sample Request
Sample Response
"success": true,
"bankInfoData": {
"\_id": "ID",
"bankId": "Bank_Id",
"accountNumber": "Account_Number",
"accNum": "Account_Number",
"customerId": "Customer_ID",
"ifscCode": "IFSC",
"fk_userId": "FK_User_ID",
"accountHolderName": "Account_Holder_Name",
"address": "Address",
"fk_companyId": "FK_Company_ID",
"isActive": false,
"isdelete": true,
"createdBy": "Created_By",
"createdDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
"modifiedBy": "Modified_By_ID",
"country": "SA",
"currency": "SAR",
"AGGRID": "",
"USER_ID": "",
"URN": "",
"isRegistered": false,
"transLimitDay": 0,
"localSame": 0,
"localSchedule": 0,
"localBulkSame": 0,
"localBulkSchedule": 0,
"isVirtualAccount": false,
"modifiedDate": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ",
"intChargs": [],
"__v": 0,
"isDepositAccount": true,
"id": "ID"
Updated 10 months ago