Generate Signature

Authenticating your request


signature is an encrypted string that acts as a crucial part of the authentication process. It ensures and confirms the information included in the request is genuine and hasn't been modified. The user has to first generate a Signature Code and pass it through the request based on which the system detects and authenticates the request and provides a response. Any request with an invalid or unmatched Signature will be responded to as "Invalid/Unauthorized".

Generate signature

Here's a sample to generate a signature:

SIGNATURE_KEY : 1234567890 // your signature key
let encode = base64encode(JSON.stringify(req.body));
encode = encode + "SIGNATURE_KEY";
let signature = sha256(encode);

function sha256(str) {
  let hash = crypto.createHash("sha256")update(str).digest("hex");
  return hash;



  • signature varies for every request and no two requests will have the same signature
  • ❌ In case of Signature Key mismatches, an "Unauthorized" or "Invalid" response will be reflected
  • ⚠️ If the process encounters a technical error, the system will respond to the request as "Technical/Internal/Server Error"