Customer Verification
Verify customer details in real-time
Customer Verification API service allows you to verify the identity of customers and retail or commercial users. This will enable you to confirm the authenticity of an individual's identity, enhancing security and trust in online transactions, account openings, or service access.
User consent is the primary requirement to access any services in Open Banking. The user or account holder grants explicit consent to a Third-Party to access their financial data. This consent is given through a secure, multi-factor authentication process to verify the user's identity.
The consent request must include the following details:
Endpoint | useCaseType Value | permissions Value |
/v1/api/observice/connect | CUSTOMERVERIFICATION | ReadParty ReadPartyPSU ReadPartyPSUIdentity |
Check Consent Management for more details to create, view, and revoke consents.
Get Customer Verification Services
Endpoint details
Endpoint URL | Method | Authentication requirements |
/v1/api/observice/parties | POST | 1. clientId 2. clientCode 3. signature 4. Authorization Bearer: Token |
Sample request
"dateTimeStamp": "2024-12-31T10:40:00+02:00",
"requestID": "df797efb-b588-4234-8ae1-5cb748559830",
"merchantId": "APIS-300505",
"customerVerification" : true,
"banks": [
"code": "SAMA",
Request description
JSON Tag | Description | Data type |
DateTimeStamp Mandatory | Stamp denoting the date and time of the request ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | Date |
RequestID Mandatory | Unique request identification UUID format | Alphanumeric |
merchantId Mandatory | Unique merchant identification UUID format | Alphanumeric |
customerVerification Mandatory | Customer verification service tag to be denoted as true | Boolean |
banks Mandatory | Array of banks and consents | Object |
code Mandatory | Unique bank identification code | Alphanumeric |
consentId Mandatory | Unique consent identification | String |
Sample response
"payload": {
"success": true,
"payload": [
"code": "SAMA",
"data": {
"party": [
"partyId": "100001000000000000000002",
"partyNumber": "202",
"partyType": "KSAOB.Sole",
"verifiedClaims": [
"verification": {
"time": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
"verificationProcess": "online",
"evidence": [
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"type": "document",
"checkDetails": [
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"attachments": [
"desc": "banking doc",
"contentType": "text",
"content": "data",
"txn": "TXN-12344"
"documentDetails": {
"type": "passport",
"serialNumber": "12345657",
"personalNumber": "12345657",
"documentNumber": "678543221",
"dateOfIssuance": "2019-09-21T08:30:00Z",
"dateOfExpiry": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"calendarType": "KSAOB.IslamicCalendar",
"issuer": {
"name": "bank test",
"countryCode": "US",
"jurisdiction": "justTest",
"address": {
"formatted": "Formated",
"streetAddress": "369-A",
"locality": "Waked",
"region": "So",
"postalCode": "38701",
"country": "US"
"verifier": {
"organization": "ozone",
"txn": "TXN-12345"
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"type": "document",
"checkDetails": [
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"attachments": [
"desc": "banking doc",
"contentType": "text",
"content": "data",
"txn": "TXN-12344"
"documentDetails": {
"type": "passport",
"serialNumber": "12345657",
"personalNumber": "12345657",
"documentNumber": "678543221",
"dateOfIssuance": "2019-09-21T08:30:00Z",
"dateOfExpiry": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"calendarType": "KSAOB.IslamicCalendar",
"issuer": {
"name": "bank test",
"countryCode": "US",
"jurisdiction": "justTest",
"address": {
"formatted": "Formated",
"streetAddress": "369-A",
"locality": "Waked",
"region": "So",
"postalCode": "38701",
"country": "US"
"verifier": {
"organization": "ozone",
"txn": "TXN-12345"
"trustFramework": "SA_IAM",
"assuranceLevel": "First level",
"assuranceProcess": {
"policy": "XYZ",
"procedure": "Data proces",
"assuranceDetails": [
"assuranceType": "assurance_process1",
"assuranceClassification": "classifications",
"evidenceRef": [
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"assuranceType": "assurance_process2",
"assuranceClassification": "classifications",
"evidenceRef": [
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"claims": {
"sub": "string",
"name": "string",
"givenName": "string",
"familyName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"nickname": "string",
"preferredUsername": "string",
"profile": "string",
"picture": "string",
"website": "string",
"email": "string",
"emailVerified": true,
"gender": "string",
"birthDate": "1970-01-01",
"phoneNumber": "string",
"phoneNumberVerified": true,
"title": "string",
"msisdn": "string",
"zoneInfo": "string",
"locale": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"birthFamilyName": "string",
"birthGivenName": "string",
"birthMiddleName": "string",
"alsoKnownAs": "string",
"placeOfBirth": {
"country": "SU",
"region": "string",
"locality": "string"
"nationalities": [
"address": {
"formatted": "string",
"streetAddress": "string",
"locality": "string",
"region": "string",
"postalCode": "78473",
"country": "LK"
"verification": {
"time": "2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00",
"verificationProcess": "online",
"evidence": [
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"type": "document",
"checkDetails": [
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"txn": "Txn1234",
"time": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"checkMethod": "Online",
"organization": "Ozone"
"attachments": [
"desc": "banking doc",
"contentType": "text",
"content": "data",
"txn": "TXN-12344"
"documentDetails": {
"type": "passport",
"serialNumber": "12345657",
"personalNumber": "12345657",
"documentNumber": "678543221",
"dateOfIssuance": "2019-09-21T08:30:00Z",
"dateOfExpiry": "2021-05-21T08:30:00Z",
"calendarType": "KSAOB.IslamicCalendar",
"issuer": {
"name": "bank test",
"countryCode": "US",
"jurisdiction": "justTest",
"address": {
"formatted": "Formated",
"streetAddress": "369-A",
"locality": "Waked",
"region": "So",
"postalCode": "38701",
"country": "US"
"verifier": {
"organization": "ozone",
"txn": "TXN-12345"
"trustFramework": "SA_MyAddress",
"assuranceLevel": "First level",
"assuranceProcess": {
"policy": "XYZ",
"procedure": "Data proces",
"assuranceDetails": [
"assuranceType": "assurance_process1",
"assuranceClassification": "classifications",
"evidenceRef": [
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"assuranceType": "assurance_process2",
"assuranceClassification": "classifications",
"evidenceRef": [
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"txn": "Txn-1234",
"evidenceMetadata": {
"evidenceClassification": "test"
"claims": {
"sub": "string",
"name": "string",
"givenName": "string",
"familyName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"nickname": "string",
"preferredUsername": "string",
"profile": "string",
"picture": "string",
"website": "string",
"email": "string",
"emailVerified": true,
"gender": "string",
"birthDate": "1970-01-01",
"phoneNumber": "string",
"phoneNumberVerified": true,
"title": "string",
"msisdn": "string",
"zoneInfo": "string",
"locale": "string",
"salutation": "string",
"birthFamilyName": "string",
"birthGivenName": "string",
"birthMiddleName": "string",
"alsoKnownAs": "string",
"placeOfBirth": {
"country": "SU",
"region": "string",
"locality": "string"
"nationalities": [
"address": {
"formatted": "string",
"streetAddress": "string",
"locality": "string",
"region": "string",
"postalCode": "38701",
"country": "LK"
"accountRole": "KSAOB.SecondaryOwner"
"links": {
"self": ""
"meta": {
"totalPages": 1
Response description
JSON Tag | Description |
success | Process success status represented as true or false |
payload | Tag carrying the response information |
code | Unique bank identification code |
data | Tag carrying the response data of the accounts |
party | Tag carrying party information |
partyId | Unique identification of a party |
partyNumber | Party Number |
partyType | Type of party for the specific account |
verifiedClaims | Tag carrying information on verifications and claims |
verification | Tag carrying verification information |
time | Time of verification |
verificationProcess | Mode of verification process carried out either online or offline |
evidence | Tag carrying information about the evidences involved/used for verification |
time | Time of evidence |
type | Type of evidence |
checkDetails | Details check information tag |
txn | Transaction identification details |
time | Time of transaction |
checkMethod | Method of checking either online or offline |
organization | Name of the checking organization |
attachments | Tag carrying attachment information |
desc | Description of the attachment |
contentType | Type of content included in the attachment |
content | Form of content in the attachment |
txn | Transaction identification details |
documentDetails | Tag carrying document details |
type | Type of document |
serialNumber | Serial number of the document |
personalNumber | Personal number specified in the document |
documentNumber | Document number |
dateOfIssuance | Date of issuance of the document |
dateOfExpiry | Date of expiry of the document |
calendarType | Calendar type followed by the document |
issuer | Tag carrying information about the issuer of the document |
name | Name of the issuer of the document |
countryCode | Code of country issuing the document |
jurisdiction | Jurisdiction of the document |
address | Tag carrying address information of the issuer |
formatted | Information status as formatted or unformatted |
streetAddress | Street address of the issuer |
locality | Locality of the issuer |
region | Region of the issuer |
postalCode | Postal code of the issuer |
country | Country of the issuer |
verifier | Tag carrying information about the verifier |
organization | Verifying organization name |
txn | Transaction identification details |
trustFramework | Details about the trust framework |
assuranceLevel | Assurance level specification |
assuranceProcess | Tag carrying assurance process details |
policy | Assurance policy details |
procedure | Assurance policy procedure |
assuranceDetails | Tag carrying assurance details |
assuranceType | Type of assurance |
assuranceClassification | Classification of assurance |
evidenceRef | Tag carrying evidence reference information |
txn | Transaction identification details |
evidenceMetadata | Tag carrying evidence meta data |
evidenceClassification | Classification details of the evidence |
claims | Tag carrying claims information |
sub | Subject of the claim |
name | Name of the claim |
givenName | Given name for the claim |
familyName | Family name of the claiming party |
middleName | Middle name of the claiming party |
nickname | Nickname of the claiming party |
preferredUsername | Preferred username of the claiming party |
profile | Profile details of the claiming party |
picture | Picture of the claiming party |
website | Website of the claiming party |
email address of the claiming party | |
emailVerified | Email verification status |
gender | Gender of the claiming party |
birthDate | Date of birth of the claiming party |
phoneNumber | Phone number of the claiming party |
phoneNumberVerified | Phone number verification status |
title | Title information |
msisdn | Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number |
zoneInfo | Zone information |
locale | Locale details |
salutation | Salutation of the claiming party |
birthFamilyName | Birth family name of the claiming party |
birthGivenName | Birth given name of the claiming party |
birthMiddleName | Birth middle name of the claiming party |
alsoKnownAs | AKA name of the claiming party |
placeOfBirth | Tag carrying place of birth information of the claiming party |
country | Country of birth |
region | Region of birth |
locality | Locality of birth |
nationalities | Array of strings carrying the information on the nationalities of the claiming party |
address | Address tag of the claiming party |
formatted | Format status either formatted or unformatted |
streetAddress | Street address of the claiming party |
locality | Locality details of the claiming party |
region | Region of the claiming party |
postalCode | Postal code of the claiming party |
country | Country code of the claiming party |
accountRole | Details on account role |
links | Tag carrying links |
self | Link/URL to self platform |
meta | Meta tag of the response |
totalPages | Representation of response in terms if page length |
Updated 29 days ago