
Verification guide for secure access

SingleView Open Banking APIs work on robust authentication as a fundamental aspect to ensure secure and authorized access to API services and data. In this section, we'll guide you through the various authentication methods and best practices required to interact with our APIs securely.

To make a call to access SingleView Open Banking API services, the user must have the following required information to be mentioned in the header of requests:

  • clientId
  • clientCode
  • signature
  • Access Token

API Keys


clientId is an authentication value allotted to every registered user and is unique for every application added in the Console.

To know your clientId, go to Console > App settings > Credentials > Client ID.


clientCode, displayed as Client Secret, is a highly-sensitive authentication value unique for every client app. The value can be modified when required.

To know your clientCode, go to Console > App settings > Credentials > Client Code.


Read more about signature

Access Token

  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    "access_token": "Access_Token_String",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 0000